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"meredith grey looks at arizona robbins and abruptly starts questioning her sexuality"


It was a calm day, no big cases so Meredith Grey was bored. Thinking about what Arizona Robbins could do to her, though, was not the reason she was bored. Meredith was bored because she couldn't think of a way to get into the blonde's pants. She was standing at the nurses station, watching Arizona filling her charts. Her beautiful hands with her long fingers brushing over the paper, as she was visibly thinking about what else she could add.

Meredith sighed in frustration as she got more and more turned on by the minute. To be honest, Meredith always had a massive crush on the peds doctor. She was smart, beautiful, and kind to everyone. And she was absolutely amazing with kids. If Arizona was your girlfriend, you really hit the jackpot. Meredith thought while following every step the other doctor made.

She wasn't a hopeless lesbian, was she?
Just a little bit in the closet, right?
oh screw me! Meredith cursed herself as she knew she was just fooling herself. She was just so helplessly, hopelessly in love with Arizona Robbins, and she didn't know what to do about it. She usually wasn't the person that didn't know what to do. Meredith actually was someone who a lot of people saw like the "surgical legend", someone who always knew what to do.

But God knows why, in this exact moment, she had absolutely no idea what to do. So Meredith decides to just tell Arizona how she felt, probably one of the scariest things she was ever going to do. Meredith felt like a teen again, nervous to go on a date with a boy. Now that she was an adult, she wasn't really ever nervous for love with all the other things that she has been trough. Wait.. love? Maybe Arizona didn't even feel the same way. Yes, she definitely wouldn't feel the same way.

Meredith cursed herself once again. She was the Meredith Grey for heavens sake, she wasn't going to think about herself so negatively. Meredith also knew that a relationship wasn't a abuse of power. She couldn't and wouldn't use her position to get with someone.. let alone Arizona Robbins, who on herself was also a magnificent surgeon and a wonderful person.

Okay Meredith, get your shit together!

She inhales sharply and walked towards the blonde doctor her eyes hasn't stopped following since God knows for how long, just to see her walking away.. Yeah fuck that's what you get for dirty dreaming about your co-worker for half an hour before finally approaching her, Meredith! She scolded herself.

This time she actually knew what she was going to do. She wanted Arizona, so she was going to make quick work of her speech to tell the blonde her feelings.  'Ari- Robbins!' She yelled while running after the doctor who just left her eyesight. Arizona turns around so abruptly, that Meredith almost crashes into her. The surgeon grabs her hand but quickly lets it go as she sees Meredith glaring at their intertwined hands. 'Uhh- are you alright, dr Grey?' Meredith almost faints as Arizona's blue eyes meet hers. Who gave her the right to be so pretty and hot?!'
'Yea- yes I'm alright. I just wanted to.. talk with you.' She can't help all the thoughts that go trough her mind while saying those last words.

'Oh. Okay, right now or..?' Arizona takes the risk to let her eyes wander up and down over Merediths body, her legs, slim shaped stomach, her boobs and her face. She admired every part of Meredith's body, and she couldn't help but imagine what it would be like to share a night with the general surgeon. 'A-arizona?' Oh crap, Meredith had probably- no- definitely catched her staring.

Cmon, Robbins get yourself a proper life, instead of making looking at your colleague your job.

'Sorry, dr Grey, I- I,'-
But before the blonde could say something else, Meredith had pushed her into a room, the blue light room to be more specific. Arizona stumbled over her own feet and fell with her back against the wall. Not really hurt but pretending to be, she grabbed Merediths hips, pulling her in front of her. Meredith realized she could just catch Arizona's soft lips into a kiss, whom she has been longing for way too long, but she wanted to explain herself first.

'I said,'
The general surgeon started, trailing her finger across the other blonde's jawline while breathing into her ear. Wow, grey, when did you get so bold? But Meredith didn't even listen to her head, she could only think about Arizona, Arizona's lips, and Arizona's hands on her hips. 'That we could talk now..'  Meredith finished her sentence, pushing the blonde's chin up with her finger so she could look into her eyes. Meredith got lost in them, again, but Arizona pulled her out of her trance by slowly sliding Meredith's labcoat off her shoulders, and it was only for the sound of the coat falling onto the ground that Meredith realized she wasn't dreaming. The peds surgeon shined her a soft smile while positioning one hand on the side of her neck, and the other on the back of her head, causing Meredith to look into her eyes again. And God, she was drowning, she had never felt this kind of feeling towards anyone but Arizona..

God, Arizona just made her feel.
The general surgeon closes her eyes for a moment, overwhelmed by all the feelings she felt at the moment, but opening them again at the feeling of Arizona's finger on her jaw, pushing her chin up just like she did a couple minutes ago. She looks into her eyes, searching for some kind of permission but looks away when Meredith doesn't quite meet her eyes.

Meredith softly sighs, and she places her hands on Arizona's hips. Just when Arizona is about to kiss her she puts one hand on her chest and pushes her away a little bit. Arizona, with now a worried expression on her face, asks her if she did something wrong but none of her words really reach Meredith's ears. Meredith shakes her head, trying to get the words she has been willing to tell Arizona all the time out of her mouth, but the only sentence that her lips can form is; "I- Arizona, I think I love you..'
The way the other woman's face lits up at those words almost makes Merediths heart explode. She was dying to tell her how she made her feel but there seems to be no right explanation for all the feelings the felt. Arizona sees her struggling so she finally kisses Meredith, basically telling her everything they both can't say in words. When they both gasp for air, Arizona tells her;

'Meredith, I love you too.'

A single tear crickles down Merediths cheek as Arizona pulls her into a hug. 'I- I just have loved you for so long, zona. It feels like I have loved you forever..' She rests her head on Arizona's chest, happy to have finally told her those words.

Arizona places a kiss on the top of Merediths head. 'I'm gonna love you forever' she whispers into her ear while turning her around so she can kiss Meredith's lips again. Just as Meredith was finally deepening the kiss, the door of the room opens and Bailey walks in, jumping a little at the scene unfolding in front of her (clearly nog expecting anyone to be in the room let alone two of her star surgeons making out with eachother)

'Oh! For the sake of both of your jobs, get out of here. You fools got nothing better to do?!' But Bailey is deep inside really happy for both of them, they deserve happiness and if they found happiness in eachother..
Bailey knew Meredith had a big fat crush on Arizona of course. If there's something going on in the hospital, Bailey knows. She always knows!

Arizona smiles a little foolish while Meredith hides her face in the blonde's hair. Arizona takes her hand and leads her to the hallway. There's no doubt that what they started is not going to be finished in another room. With the door locked this time, ofcourse.

the freakin end.

1405 gay words lord help meeee

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