Chapter 1. The Loss Of A WonderFul Sister

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My POV: I will never forget it as long as I live I was in the study sitting by the fireplace thinking the family dog Samson a black Great Dane was laying down at my feet as he always had done when suddenly there was a knock on the door I looked over at the door as Samson barked

Yes I said letting whoever was knocking to come in

the door opened and Singh walked in I was confused as to why Singh came in when he stepped in he bowed and walked over to me

I'am afraid I have some sad news to share Lawrence Singh said with great sadness in his voice

What is it Singh? I asked worriedly

He sighed softly lowering his head then looked up at me with a sad look on his face in all my years I have known Singh I had never once seen him cry

Your elder sister Mrs Lilly and her husband James have passed on I'am so sorry Lawrence Singh replied

My heart sank I could not believe it she was gone as so was James they were wonderful people I sat down trying to contain my composure I looked up at Singh and remembered something oh dear god what about their son Harry James Potter

"What about Harry? "Is he alright? I asked

He is alright the Dursley's  have him for the time being the funeral is set for this Sunday Singh said

Alright thank you Singh I replied

Singh bowed his head and walked out of the study I sat there thinking if only I was there I could have protected Lily and Harry maybe even James Lily was my older sister and we were very close James was a wonderful man who treated Lily well my wife Lillian and I attended their wonderful wedding I was one of James's groomsmen alongside Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew with Sirius Black as James's best man I was good friends with Sirius Remus and Peter and was aware of them being ainmagi in which they can turn into an animal except for Remus Lillian was Lily's maid of honor since my other older sister Petunia and her family did not attend the wedding which hurt Lily deeply Petunia and Lily use to be close until Lily discovered that she was a witch and attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and wizardry I had heard about the school but never went there myself I became very close to Lily ever since I was little she was best big sister unlike Petunia who hated me and my younger brother Ben but I was her favorite target she would constantly pick on me and bully me whenever she could and unlike Petunia I was very supportive of Lily and did not care that she was a witch and was attending Hogwarts we remain close I became best friends with James and Sirius who loved to play practical pranks on us Lillian and Lily were good friends as well and would talk about anything with each other I remember how happy we were when their son Harry James Potter was born and we try and see them on occasion I sat there in my chair by the fireplace stunned by the deaths of my older sister and brother in law but I was grateful that Harry was alright but angry that he was sent to live with my evil older sister Petunia and her family I never did like Petunia's husband Vernon or their son Dudley for that matter and most certainly did not like Vernon's older sister Marge either I sat there awhile looking at all the memories I had of Lily and James and Sirius and all of them I was invested into the memories that I did not hear the door to the study open until Samson barked to get my attention when I looked up I saw Lillian standing there holding our daughter Destiny Claire in her arms I could tell that Lillian had been crying and as grief stricken by Lily and James's deaths as I was

I wish it was not true Lawrence I wish Lily and James were still alive Lillian said while trying not to cry

I got up and walked over to her holding her gently in my arms as she cried softly I kiss the top of her head and hugged her gently

I know darling I know I do to I wish this was a dream a nightmare that I could wake up from I replied

Oh and poor Harry losing his parents at such a young age is horrible Lillian said in between sobs

I know but he will be alright he is a strong boy just James was I said

I suppose you are right like father like son Lillian replied

We went to bed that but I had a hard time sleeping due to how grief stricken I was I held Lillian close to me praying to god that Harry will be alright and knowing that it was going to hard and painful journey for all of us including Harry James Potter

Alright here is chapter 1 I hope you guys like it let me know what you guys think thank you guys

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