Chapter 2. Attending The Funeral

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My POV: that Sunday Lillian and I woke up as so did Billy Tylor SodaPop or Soda for short and Daryl and PonyBoy and Destiny Daryl was 14 years old Soda was 12 years old PonyBoy was 11 years Billy was 10 years old Tylor was 5 years old and Destiny was 2 years when all of this happened we got up and had breakfast before we left for Lily and James's funeral in Godric's hollow which is where our nephew Harry was born

Will Harry be staying with us from now on dad? Daryl asked

I do not know Daryl I hope so I answered

I would hate to see him living with those Dursley's Lillian added

Lillian never did like my older sister Petunia or her husband Vernon for that matter I never liked Petunia even when I was a young boy I never liked her my mother even tried to get us to get along Petunia and Lily were my half sisters my father was married to their mother until their mother died when Petunia and Lily were very young after their mother died my father married my mother and she felt like she needed to be there for Petunia and Lily and decided to adopt them Lily was fine with it and accepted my mother and me and Ben but Petunia however was not having any of it no matter how hard my mother tried she could not get through to Petunia

Why do Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon hate us so much dad? Soda asked

I do not know Petunia was a spoiled rotten brat in my opinion I replied

Lawrence do not say that about your sister! Lillian replied with shock

Half sister darling she is my half sister I replied

Well I do not want to be around them Dudley always bites and pinched me daddy Tylor said

Well your mother and I will make sure he does not bite or pinch you sweetheart I said

After breakfast we headed to Godrick's Hollow for Lily and James's funerals when we arrived at the funeral home everyone that knew Lily and James were there including Professor McGonagall when we walked in and signed our names into the attendance book we were met with the people we secretly could not stand

Surprised to see you all here Petunia huffed holding Dudley in her arms

And hello to you too Petunia I replied with a sigh

Petunia rolled her eyes at me I growled softly as we made our way to the row of seats in front of two coffins I looked around seeing everyone coming in to pay their respects to Lily and James and noticed that someone was missing

Lillian have you seen Harry yet? I asked

No I have not "why dear? Lillian replied holding Destiny who was sucking on her thumb on her lap

I was just wondering I replied

Someone is probably watching him and they will probably show him later and were probably going to wait until the funeral is over or something Lillian said

I nodded softly as people piled into the funeral home once everyone was in attendance the funeral started and there was not a dry eye in the house afterwards there was a small luncheon in the basement of the funeral home and it was there that we got to see Harry he was in a playpen with Dudley I walked over towards him he looked up at me a little sad and scared I knelt down to him and pull out a small candy sucker for him

I got you something Harry I told him handing him the candy sucker

He smiled happily and took the candy sucker and stuck it in his mouth smiling happily at me and I smiled in return as Harry happily sucked on the candy sucker Dudley started getting upset and started throwing a temper tantrum I glared at Dudley I knew I should not have but he practically being spoiled all his life and I thought I could cheer little Harry up especially since Lily and James were gone and never coming back as Dudley threw his temper tantrum Petunia Vernon and Lillian come over to see what was wrong

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