my tommy

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another day, another death. death to life is what the sun was to Icarus. the melancholy fog seeped from the prison and infected the minds of those with the ability to feel the emotion of sadness. many didn't, not anymore, bad, ant their minds were full of fog already, a sinister fog that clouded the minds of those it grasped its claws into. one day bad was taking presents to a boy living a life of solitary and the next he was hosting a party to bring joy out of his death. no one was the same anymore. many waited in desperate denial, others went through the stages of grief as fast as the brains could handle, the thought of dealing with the pain they all felt was too much for anyone. shrines to the life of one once lived, funerals to the boy who brought this server what it knew most, flowers wilted away in his house and his discs remained dusted in the memories of those he fought for. the more they thought the more they realised what he had done for the nation, but there was nothing to show of his accomplishments now. lmanburg, blown to pieces twice by the ones he looked up to the most. the hotel, the one thing to outlive him, abandoned by the person he thought to be his friend only maintained now by sam nook and the only one who stuck by his side throughout it all.

he spent his days at the bench now, crying out for tommy to return but he never did, no one ever did. no one walked the prime path anymore, the wood chipped away by the vines, they sat waiting for a last use but it was worthless. the pain brought on by the house in the mound of dirt was too much for anyone, they expanded outwards then, building as far away as they could. tubbo sat, with a face as stoic as it always had been, crying out for tommy, reassuring him it was safe to return, hed wander the battered fields out front by the duck and inspect the trees tommy had cut only months before his death for the hotel. he visited the prison a lot did tubbo, but sam never answered anymore, hed press the button and stare into the swirls of purple waiting but getting the same answer. a classic sign of insanity, repeating an action and getting the same result. sam sat at the other side of the doorbell and cried, everyday, up to 7 times tubbo would ring the bell and wait, calling out in a happy voice that he wanted to see tommy. like a little kid asking for his friend to come out and play. it devolved after the second day into tubbo talking straight to tommy as if he was the one at the other side of the doorbell, as if he was alive, as if he could answer. to tubbo it had felt like weeks, everytime he rung the doorbell in his deranged mind was a new day, tommy was angry with his for exile still, he was angry at him for not saving him. that's the reasoning his brain came up with.
'when will comes back we can remake the compasses tommy, well never lose each other again' sam regretted hooking the entry room up with speakers, he listened to tubbo desperate plees and prayed it would end. 'when you get out tommy we can sit on the bench again nd listen to melohi yeah, i wont make you listen to chirp i swear.' ranboo peered round the entrance to the prison and breathed in deeply, he couldn't cry it hurt to cry he had to be strong. 'im sorry tommy, i shouldn't of sent you away i see that now, i need you tommy please come out. i get you dont want to talk to me, ill wait at the bench for you okay' ranboo had left by now and the sun was setting, not that that meant anything to tubbo. he held an empty compass close to his heart and set out for his nightly activity of sitting on the bench. always waiting, tommys spot remained empty, in case he wanted to drop by but he never did, tubbo lived a life now of agonizing solitude, avoiding ranboo and sam and everyone as best he could. he hid in the tunnels, in tommys war room and wandered out in the dark with no protection. life was nothing.
'what am i without you' tommy once asked in a moment of great weakness, it hadn't made sense then, the answer seemed obvious, it was him to was meant to die not tommy. why did punz show up then, tommy would have been safe, alive, sure in the prison but hed escape it was tommy, hed always come back. the question made more and more sense as time ticked on. 
'what am i without you tommy' 
'yourself' tommy whispered from the beyond, wilbur held hm as he cried and schlatt watched on in solemn silence. they could see everything where they were but tommy for reasons unbeknownst himself couldn't connect with tubbos realm at all. all he wanted was to come back like ghostbur did and sit with tubbo and spend the rest of tubbo life together with him, but the barrier was stronger than they had ever felt it and not even ghostbur could get through.
the sun rose in the distance, the fourth day, no music had been played since and the world was eerily quiet.
another day another death. was it all the server needed to come together, tommy dying. everyone was mourning in their own way, the same emotions flowed through them all. dream was always the best at bringing the smp together. the dream smp as he always said.

the realisation was settling now, somewhere deep inside that tubbo couldn't consciously comprehend. his dreams were full of Tommy and his memorial, Tommy and ghostbur, Tommy's grave. he never slept, it had been 5 days since Tommy passed and 2 since tubbo slept. ranboo sat up for hours on end waiting for tubbo to return, talk to him, look at him. but to no avail, tubbo wandered up to the prison, exhausted and sat up against the wall, he didn't bother pressing the button anymore, he just mumbled out to Tommy, to anyone that would listen. but no one did, at least if they did they never uttered a response. ranboo snuck round the enterance to the prison and sighed at the sight of tubbo slouched over on the floor, mumbling something barely awake. he coughed and tubbo shot up, his eyes were bloodshot and teary and the black under his eyes seemed as wallowing as his mood. ranboo sat in front of him and smiled sadly, tubbo replayed the emotion and turned back to the portal.
'he's not coming out... is he?' ranboo shook his head slowly and tubbo laughed quietly, 'you know. I think I've known that for a while but it's better to... pretend sometimes' ranboo wiped away a tear quickly before it had the chance to sizzle on his cheek and stood up. he held his hand out to tubbo.
'let's go home, Micheal misses you, and you need sleep' tubbo groaned and took his hand, they walked together all the way to snowchester and ranboo tucked tubbo in but was pulled back before he left.
'could you stay... please, I can't be alone right now' ranboo nodded happily and layed down next to tubbo.

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