Dinner Night

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Ashley’s moans soaked in pleasure reverberated throughout the room as he continued plunging his raging member inside her. His enormous hard body was covering every inch of her soft naked form. With every stroke her moans got louder pleading, begging. But he was not finished yet. He would not stop until he had established his claim on every inch of her body. His thrust became demanding and urgent as burning lust takes control of his sanity. The space got filled with a mellifluous sound of their body slamming into each other. Her ragged breathing and moans are fuelling his carnal desires. 

His hand skimmed hungrily all over her body reminding her who she belongs to. He dips his head a little to claim her mouth while filling her core with his iron-rod. The kiss stoked with passion and hunger strips her off her breath. He drags his mouth down to her neck. Kissing, biting, nipping. She lets out another scream when he bite a little harder on her left breast. However, her scream came out as a ringtone.

Daniel snaps his eyes open. The ringtone of his phone is blasting throughout his room. His heartbeat is on a marathon and his member is painfully hard begging for release. Disappointment washes over him as soon as he realizes that was just a dream. A wet dream.

He picks his phone to see it was just a spam call. Tossing the phone on the other side of the bed he laid on his back. A smile fluttered when he recounted the details of the dream he just had. It excited him. 

But more than that he was astonished. The last time he had a wet dream was in his earlier teens. After such a long time he had a sexual dream and that too for a woman whom he had met a needful of times. What was it about this woman? She had only infiltrated his thoughts but was also staking a claim on his dreams. 

His member is still painfully hard and so he parades to the washroom to give it a release and have a very cold shower. He waited for the day to come to an end so that he could see her again. 

His heart was beating rapidly against his chest when he pulled over his car in front of Ashley's place. He looked at his wrist watch and realized he was twenty minutes early. At that moment he wanted nothing but to see her innocent face. 

There was another car resting in the parking space. He infered that Michael was home. Jealousy consumed every inch of him making him tighten his grip around the steering wheel. His knuckles turned white and jaw hardened when he imagined her with him.

Fury replaced jealousy when he remembered how Michael was cheating on her with another girl. That lame excuse of man didn't deserve an innocent woman as a wife and definitely not Ashley. Daniel's face softened when his thoughts drifted to Ashley. The woman was something else. He had never longed for someone as much as he longed for her. The soft breezes kissing his face reminded him of her soft touch. How frightened she was when he took her hand in his. And when she let him tend to her wound:that particular moment was etched in his memory forever. 

Lust surged through him when her petite and curvaceous body flashed before his eyes. His tongue swiped over his lips when he thought of her lips. How good they would look locked with his. And her body. He couldn't help but imagine her writhing under him when he would do things to his body. Blood rushed down to his member. Now, that was getting out of control. He halted his train of thoughts and tried to think about something else. Going inside with an erect penis was the last thing in his mind. 

He smiled at his condition. He had never waited outside a girl's house like this before. His lust for her was making him do things that he always considered beneath him. After calming his nerves and raging member down he threw a quick glance at his wrist watch. It was time. He looked into the rearview mirror and ran a hand through his hair before alighting his Porche. The same one that had her entranced. When did he begin to care about his appearance, he wondered. This woman was definitely a witch. 

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