Finally Together

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I love you: these phrases of love that are repeated so much are never the same. They all sound the same, but each one has one virgin life and in solitude, if you can grasp it. And never tire of repeating the same words: you will experience the emotion that the soul feels when it sees the first star pop up and then, as the night progresses, sees it repeat itself in other stars, with different reflections and a single soul. cit

My heart beats like it's going to explode, drops of sweat start to slowly build on my forehead and I feel my throat turn into an arid moor.
And my legs seem to want to melt like popsicles in the sun making me fear of falling to the ground any minute, my ears are stopping, depriving me of the ability to hear all kinds of sounds and my eyes..they are focused on one person, the only person I can ever love so strongly, who smiles at me beamingly making my body destabilize even more than it already is.

And there it is. The woman I can finally call mine. My Ryujin.

She walks through the crowd of happy faces of the people dear to us present on this special day, with a smile of thirty-two teeth on her freckled face. Her beauty is still as fresh as when she was just a girl, despite having to go through a long series of very troubled moments.

In contemplating the wonderful image, as a tear of joy lines my cheek, a flood of memories begins to assault me. Of all, the most intense is that of the day when I managed to find the courage to declare my love to her and ask her to make it official.

name them

Please, Lilith, tell me where you're taking me!-

Ryujin tries to peek through the bandage that covers her eyes. -I told you it's a surprise and you'll love it - I answer her, drawing on the dose of safety reserve in myself, while she sighs impatiently - You know I'm a curious person!-

- I know. And by the way, now we're here, are you happy?-
I ask her while I help her get out of the car and, once we're in front of the entrance to the club, I'm going to take the blindfold off her, which I had put on her earlier, from her face.

- The River Café? Lilith! How do you think of such things?- Laughs, giving me an affectionate push to the chest.
- If I have to tell you, I don't know either- chin, while I thank Albert with my thoughts for giving me the address.

- At least you could have warned me and I would have dressed a little more elegantly!-
Oh, Ryujin. You are always beautiful -- I let slip.

The unexpected compliment makes her blush and for a few moments she seems unable to find the words: she evidently does not know that what she has just heard is the phrase that I hold inside since our first meeting.
Finally it just murmurs a shy - Thank you. - 

As soon as we set foot in the restaurant his expression becomes a mask of surprise - But... have you booked the whole restaurant just for us?-
Laughing and, almost hoping he won't hear me, I whisper - I assume we'll have so much to say to us today... -

The atmosphere is gorgeous. In the room there is only one table, ours, illuminated by a candle. Our delicious dinner is accompanied by subt notes of blues, coming from a half-tail piano in a corner.
Finished the meal reproaching myself for eating so much. In fact, it seems that, in my stomach, the roast started dancing a dance unleashed with cake because of anxiety.

I ignore these "digestive" inconveniences and beckon the pianist to turn up the volume a little, then extend my hand to Ryujin to invite her to get up.

My heart beats wildly.

I put my fingers on his hips and we start to take a few slow steps, a dance that does not require that coordination that I definitely lack.
As Ryujin gives in more and more to my embrace, enraptured by music to such an extent that she even sheds a few tears.

Our eyes cross and, with as much naturalness as possible, I kneel before her, holding her hand between mine. The time has come.
After taking a deep breath, I try to repeat the discord I prepared for years ago.

- My sweet Ryujin, from the first moment I saw you, my heart started beating just for you. And this happened so long ago that I don't even know how I could live without your thought that cradles me at all times. You are the light of my eyes, the oxygen for my lungs, the only source of joy even in the worst moments, you have always been...-
I can't finish my speech, because she, now completely moved, exclaims -- Oh Lilith, I love you too!-

Damn, I didn't expect such a reaction!

- Do you love me?!?-
She laugh in tears - Of course I love you!-

In the storm of emotions that assaults me right now, I still manage to control the tremor of my hand and pull out of my pocket the casket with the ring that, with Mohammed's help in choosing, I bought for her.

The diamond is reflected in his eyes, which already shone with their own light, with an effect that dazzles me to such an extent that I risk forgetting what I mean. With one last and extraordinary impetus of will, I force my lips and vocal cords to form the phrase - Ryujin Lee, do you want to become my wife?-

Immediately, without the slightest hesitation, he replies
-- Of course I do, Lilith. You are a wonderful woman and I want to spend the rest of my life next to you, honey.-
I look down on her hand, covered with scars from old runes, and put the jewel on her finger.

If there is one advantage that has brought me lycanthropy it is the ability to move nimbly even with the passage of time, so I get back on my feet with an ease that my worldly peers would envy.

My lips meet those of Ryujin, in a kiss that we waited for years, but which at this moment expresses all the love we feel for each other and the happiness that pervades us in declaring it.

name them pt2

I looked at those present on this amazing day. There are all of them, my friends, my family, my pack, and there's also the person I've always seen as my own progeny, Mohammed, to accompany the woman I love, my future wife.

Ryujin is beautiful (when she's not) and, being a druid, she decided to dress in gold in a traditional and beautiful dress.
She's sensational.

Shaking I take her hand to help her climb the last steps. The priest was none other than Albert, my druid friend, who had insisted on being the person who will make us spouses.

Everything is perfect and a second before I start I turn to the other guy I consider my son, Ikor, who raises the thumbs of both hands smiling at me to encourage me.

I exchange my promise of great love happily and then look at her in her bright dark eyes wiping a tear of joy that had escaped her just before kissing her softly.

I approach her and gently say:
"I love you. I love you because all the loves of the world are like different rivers that flow to the same sea: there they meet and turn into a unique love, which becomes rain and blesses the earth." cit

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