Duke's POV:

She fell asleep while I'm driving so I have to be really quiet I don't wanna wake her up cause she is so peaceful.

I've been driving for so long without stoping and I'm really tired it's like 1 AM or something we still have 2 hours until we get there we left at 6 PM. And I'm still thinking about earlier, when she threw everything at her house I am worried.

I don't wanna ask her cause I know that she'll get irritated. I stopped the car at the side of the road so I could rest for a minute. Suddenly, she woke up. "Are we in Utah?" She asked yawning "no, but we're close I just want to take a break." I answered tiredly she rubbed her eyes and paused for a second. She then hop off the car and went to the back seat I looked at her confused she started to brush the seat and sat she patted her lap and said "come here, I know you're tired." She smiled at me making my heart melt. Maybe she is my missing puzzle.

I then went to the back seat and laid my head on her lap. She started to stroke my hair with her fingers I shut my eyes and went to sleep.
End of Duke's POV

He fell asleep easily and it's so adorable. I continued to stroke his hair he then turned to the right and wrapped one arm around me I then placed my hand on his cheek and he is so cold like a dead body maybe he is dead and I'm just dreaming I thought to myself I giggled quietly at that.

I stroked his cheeks with my thumb admiring his peacefulness. "Maybe you're my missing puzzle." I whispered no no no why did I say that? I quickly shook my head and reached my pocket to get ny phone but, it's not there I threw it earlier... I need to buy a new one again.

I then searched for Duke's pocket and reached his phone I quickly pull it and I turned it on, luckily, it doesn't have a password which is strange.

I opened his Instagram and oh boy the notifications is so wild I quickly existed the app and went to Snapchat to take a photo of us. "We're both cute here." I said taking tons of picture.

I started to get bored so I played
'All I want' by Kodaline

All I want is nothing more
To hear you knocking at my door
'Cause if I could see your face once more
I could die a happy man I'm sure

"But if you loved me
Why'd you leave me?" I sang. this song reminds me of my dad. Mom always told me that find a guy that's like my dad. I always wanted a guy that's like my dad not until he left us. I was only 3 when he left but I still remember that day...

"Jack wait! Don't leave me and Willow behind please. Don't."  Mom cried begging him

"Stop the bullshit Clarisse!"  Dad shouted

"What about our daughter?!"

Dad then looked at me I was sitting on our couch chewing an object. I saw dad's eyes he cried at that time. "Willow, please take care of your mom."  He said stroking my cheeks "where are you going daddy?" He didn't answered he just kissed my forehead and placed something on my neck it was a violet necklace it has my name on it then he left.

Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
And all I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody
Like you, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Like you

But if you loved me
Why'd you leave me?

Take my body
Take my body
All I want is
And all I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

All I want is
And all I need is
To find somebody
I'll find somebody
Like you, oh, oh

The song ended and I realized that I was crying. I quickly wiped my tears away and turned off the next song I turned off the phone and put it back in Duke's pocket.

After a few minutes of silence Duke woke up. "Hi." He said yawning "hey." I replied smiling at him, he then sat down and pulled me into a hug "did you cried?" He asked "I- I did not." I answered nervously "liar." He said "I am worried, what's happening to you?" He asks pulling away maybe I should tell him.

"I'll tell you once you start driving again." I said smiling he quickly sat on the driver's seat and I chuckled I sat beside him and he started to drive again.

"What's up with earlier?" He asked concerned "well... Let's not talk about that. Let's talk about why I cried." He looked at me and nodded slowly "I thought of my dad." I said gulping "oh why, where is he?" He asked "he left when I was three." I answered looking down "mom said that, I should find a guy like him. My dad is great he is caring and he loves me and mom our life is so beautiful. Even though they're both- what's the term again- oh yeah even though they're both, weird." I added "what do you mean weird?" Duke asks raising an eyebrow
"They love to kill." I answered.

"Dad is a hitler, mom is a killer. I don't even know why, but, mom and dad met because dad was about to kill mom and mom was about to kill dad. It was at a bar and they fell in love." I said smiling remembering the night when mom told me about everything between dad and her "mom is so in love with my dad. She could kill everyone that will hurt dad. After a year they got married and had the biggest mistake of their life." I added "what's the mistake?" Duke asked confused "me. They had me." I answered.

Duke then looked at me he stopped at a red light. "You are not a mistake." He said holding my hand "why would you think of that?" I asked "you have purpose, that's why." He answered smiling "tell me more about them." He said I smiled at him and kissed his cheek he was surprised which made me giggle.

"When mom was 5 months pregnant, dad started panicking. He is scared that he would be a terrible dad. But he isn't. When I was one mom thought me how to torture and dad thought me how to kill. Dad let me play with his gun and mom let me play with her things, the three of us is always in our basement laughing, smiling, wheezing, throwing knives everywhere. We're happy. But dad left and I don't know the reason why." I wiped my tears a way chuckling a bit Duke then pulled me into a hug rubbing my back "but did he look for you? Or like, did you look for him?" He asked "I'm always looking for him." I pulled away slowly, Duke then took my hand and kissed it "everything is going to be fine, you'll see him again. I can feel it."

Yuh so hrhhgix follow @kyleslyricsss on Instagram to see the songs that I write about Duke thank you!

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