1. eduan enryu & zahard as ur bff

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(all platonic headcanons... for now)

modern college-ish au!

enryu ⇒

○ very shy, you have to approach him first

○ comes off as cold and distant to other people BUT HES NOT

○ pls give him attention he's adorable

○ will do aegyo

○ very smart, if you fOrGoT to do your homework as him to copy off of. although you have to ask a lot of times 

○ quiet

○ why is he following you all the time?? because he can

○ yay you got yourself a new bodyguard!!

○ very good listener, patient, loyal, the 3 in 1 bundle

○  has a thing against zahard

○ "hi arlene" in a high squeaky voice

○ amazing person 100/10 best friend material

zahard ⇒

○  you're his friend(?)

○ probably the hardest person to befriend

○ "zahard, are we friends?"

○ "no (lmao)"

○ "zahard, what am i to you?"

○ "acquaintance"

○ time to get new friends™

○ its very amusing to watch him get in arguments

○ "read 6:00 PM"

○ "arlene shrine"

○ smart but whats the point if he doesn't give answers?


○ will only approach you if you're pretty or if your name is grape

○ expect a crowd of girls to be following him

○  chugs grape juice bc this is pg

○ chugs grade juice in his THERMOS

○ the person that you're always jealous of: doesn't pay attention in class but scores straight a's with a gpa average of 7.9

○ that's not fair!

○ life's not fair

○ makes up for it because he is the only one that voluntarily gives out free answers

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