sequel - after the return

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It was almost two months after Minho's discharge. Taemin was all happy. Happy to create new music with his members, happy that he wasn't alone anymore, happy to finally have Minho on his side. Minho was on his side since they knew they would debut as SHINee together, but back then it wasn't the same. This was different, in a good way. Minho was on his side as his other half. Not only as his best friend but also as his boyfriend. Minho was both: the caring boyfriend, that would do everything to make you happy and the best friend that you can just hang out with. 

Taemin loves both. 

He loved it just to sit down with Minho and talk about random stuff, sometimes having really deep conversations, play games, or just enjoying time with him and his other things too. He loved to cuddle with Minho, being in physical contact with him, in every aspect, and geez he didn't know he would love falling asleep (and generally sleeping) and waking up in Minho's arms that much. 

One day, Minho did a surprise sleepover at Taemin's place, even if he almost lives there. He was waiting for the younger to come home after his schedule and prepared a lovely movie night. He brought some movies along with Taemin's favorite Ice cream, Popcorn, some other snacks, and drinks. No alcohol because Minho knew exactly how the younger doesn't tolerate alcohol after a long and with high probability tiring day, even if the Maknae wouldn't admit it.

As Minho heard how someone entered the Password for the door, he immediately turned off the lights and hid behind the sofa. While he was patiently waiting, he heard tired food steps entering the apartment. Shortly after this Minho heard the door and some other noises. In his head popped an image up, how Taemin took off his shoes. Taemin stepped into the hack of the one shoe and pulled his foot out of it. He did the same with the other. The younger didn't put his shoes down properly but left them as he had taken them off.

Again footsteps and another door. Minho smiled slightly. Taemin wouldn't change his routine, it wouldn't matter how tired he was. The older boy knew exactly that Taemin walked into the little room where his closet was, probably putting down his jacket and got some clothes for changing. As Minho heard again the door and footsteps, he jumped out from his hiding position. "Surprise!" screamed Minho in joy. Taemin looked up in surprise. "Hyung!" He immediately smiled and instantly forgot the stress he had today. Minho walked towards the younger. Taemin laid his clothes for changing on the bar chair. "I prepared a Movie night. Just the two of us and some good movies." Minho said while hugging the younger. Taemin returned the hug while laying his arms around Minho's waist and his head on Minho's shoulder. "This sounds good, but I am not sure if I will survive this." the younger mumbled. Minho, who was breaking the hug, looked with concern at his boyfriend.

"Taeminnie, are you okay?" 

The younger sighed. "I am having a headache and I am nauseous." "Should I go to the pharmacy and get you something?" Taemin smiled. "No, it's okay." "Did you eat something?" Minho asked the younger, still concerned. "Only some snacks between my schedule." "Huh? Are you doing this stupid diet again?" Taemin lays his hands on the shoulder of his boyfriend. "Minho. Calm down." "How can I calm down, when you are doing such a stupid diet. It's good when you care about your health but not starving yourself." Minho was worried about Taemin and Taemin kind of loved it. "First of all. No, I am not doing this and before you are asking, yes I did drink enough water. I overslept today, so there was no time for breakfast and I had barely time for eating anything, running from one meeting to another. Also, I didn't sleep well last night. I guess the headache is because of the lack of sleeping and the nausea is because I didn't eat." Minho sighed. "Is it bad?" Taemin was confused. "I mean your headache and the nausea. Is it bad?" Taemin shook his head. "It's bearable. Maybe it will be better after I showered." Minho hugged the younger once again. "Go shower. I'll make you something to eat." Taemin smiled, kissed the older, and grabbed his things for changing after the shower. 

Military Love Sequel - 2MinTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon