Part 1

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Bucky was sitting on the couch his mind elsewhere since his life had changed after Thanos was defeated.
The team was running about doing their normal routines, except Peter. Since he lost the closest thing to a father, he had become super clingy and anxious. He had one of Tony's ACDC shirts dangling from his skinny body as he entered the living area of the Avengers compound.

"Hey, Mr. Bucky." He stuttered out.

Taking a seat on the couch. Buck turned to see the red-rimmed eyes of the boy.

"Hey kid, you doing ok?" The Soldier asked.

"Yes, I think?"

Peter gave a sad smile as he rubbed the middle of his chest as if he had heartburn, but Bucky knew what he was feeling, he had that same ache in his chest. It was the feeling of loss.
The man smiled at the boy who was cuddled up into the arm of the couch.

"What's on your mind?" Bucky asked.

"I want to do something in memory of Mr.Stark."

Bucky thought, his mind went to the only thing that he could do for the boy.

"You want a tattoo, something to remind you of Tony?"

The boy sat up straight his eyes lighting up with excitement.


Buck let out a chuckle. "I dabbled in tattooing in the army. Would you want one?"

Peter jumped up from his seat. "Can we do it today?"

"Sure, let me see what all I need and I'll meet you in the medbay tonight at midnight. So I dont get in trouble with the team."

The boy hugged Buck, the soldier went stiff as a board unsure how to handle it, but he knew the boy really needed a hug, so he embarrassed the small teen.

That night:
Peter snuck down to the medical room, he could hear Bucky working on the tattoo machine. The young boy giggled when he heard the Soldier swear at the ink that must have splattered as he was setting up.
Bucky walked out of the room he was working in,  his long hair in a messy bun.

"Ok kid take a seat. What do you want to have done?"

Peter sheepishly grabbed something in his backpack.
"I borrowed this, I'm going to give it back." He said pulling out a small box that had Tony's Arc reactor in it.

"Could you put this on my chest?" The boy's eyes said it all: he wanted to be just like Tony Stark.

"He would love that." The older man said giving Peter a reassuring smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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