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In a Distant island off the Side of Mexico....

"Intruder! Intruder!" A robot Bodyguard says, but only for it to Get Chopped in half by a Blade. The Intruder then Twirls his Blade as he enters the long Halls of a Building, filled with portraits of a dark Mysterious Man in a hat. The Man then enters another room, filled with booby traps that he easily Dodged and disarmed with his Sword. As he exists the room, He then finds the main office Doors.

The Man then Enters, the Office huge with big stained Windows looking out to a City, The Person who was the manager of the Building, was sitting, facing away from the Intruder.

"It's unwise to Come in my Office without an appointment." Said the Man in the chair.

"Your little contraptions had no Effect on me, I could've used my Omega Beams but that wouldn't be fun."

"Do I know you? Because I could kill you right there if your not anyone I know."

"I am Darkseid, And I Don't suggest you try screwing with me while I talk, so Hear me Out."

"Make it quick!" 

"I'm am not from This reality, Nor do I have any business here but to ask for your Assistance."

"My assistance?" Said the Man in the chair. 

"I heard about your feats, How you are responsible for all the powerful weapons your empire provides, How you had destroyed most of the heros in this world. Stories like yours can spread throughout the Multiverse." 

The Man in the chair then Fliches after hearing What This Stranger is saying, but not interested.

"Bah, Been there, Done that. What do you want?" The Man says.

"I have a little problem in my Dimension, There is a group of Hero's that stand in my way for total conquest of my version of the planet Earth. Time and Time again they proved That even my power is no match for theirs, I am low on resources, And my planet can only make so much.

"And You think I would want to help?" 

"I know You won't, At least without any payment." Darkseid then throws a Bag of Coins on The man's Desk.

"Here's the deal, I'll give you double the Payment if you Give me your weapons and take care of my Pest Control Problem." 

"And What if I say no to your request?"

"I wouldn't mind if you didn't... Because I could gladly give you a Battle you crave" Darkseid's Eyes begin to Lit up.

"Heh, Heh...I always love it when you Villains think you they can Threaten me, Fine! I'll Except your Offer." 

"Really, Thought it was going to Harder to convince you." 

The Man in the chair Smiles to himself, His green Sharp Teeth and Monocle shinning in the moon from outside, Putting his hands together with a sceamful face.

"There's alot of things don't know about me Mr. Darkseid.."  The Man states. 

"A Deal Then?" 

"Yes...A deal, So what might Your little pesky Hero's Team like to call themselves?"

"The Justice League..." 



Gather around my children...

For I have tale too tell...

Have The Lore, Of the most peculiar Man...of All.

He's tall and wears a Black Hat, and in the dawn he strikes.

Oh My!!

No hero dares to stop him.

They Run in terror and Fright.

(If you have any trouble with any hero, or just a parent with a terrible Child, Just call 1-8-0-blackhat.) 

So you've been warned.

Beware of The...   


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