Chapter 1

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Gotham City...

Another Night of Crime, Two-face is taking hostages while His Goons grab all the money they could fit. 

"We got all we could Boss." A Goon Tells him.

"GoOd..." Two-Face says.

"Should we trash the Place?" Another Goon Says, Two-Face then flips a small coin up in the air. He then Catches it and checks what side it's on. 

It was Heads..

"Not Today Boy's, Not Today. Let's move." Then without Warning, Something gets thrown at Two faces gun, disarming him as it also blew up in his hand.


He looks up to see a caped Figure on the Glass rooftop, staring at him. The Figure then jumps down to show himself to Two-Face and his Goons. The man's black Cape covering him. 

"It's Batman!" A goon Shouts out.

"Let's kill him!" Said another.

"Wait!" Two face said as he Flips his coin to tell him his next move, Betting on Heads, But instead it was a tail.

"No, We leave...Now!" 

Him and his Goons then try to run out the Front entrance, Only For Batman To block their exist. One of the Goons then begins to engage, going all swinging, But Batman just easily Dodges and gives him a Karate chop to the back, Two others then take his place, Only for Batman too spray them with tear gas and Punch both each in the face. For the other one, Batman use his Grappling hook to tangle and make him trip. Another one from behind attempts to strangle him, But instead he knocks the Goon out without looking. 

"Sh#t!" Two-Face says as tries to flee, But only for The Dark Knight to Block hi again.

"Going Somewhere Harvey?" Bats says as he gives Two-Face an upper cut to The jaw, knocking him out. Batman then bends down to Two-face as he studies his broken jaw. 

...Few minutes later...

"Thanks Again Bat's - an officer says to Batman - We had been looking for this guy for month's." 

"Don't push your luck, Next Time you lose him I'm leaving the crime fighting to you." Batman says.

"Don't worry, We won't...Can Just say I'm your biggest-

As the Cop turns back to Batman, He was already gone.


Batman was driving his car back to his Lair, His butler calling to check up on him as always. 

"How has your evening gone master Bruce?" His Butler asks.

"I'm doing fine as always Alfred, what is It?" 

"I believe Clark kent is wishing To call you sir." 

"Tell him I'm busy." 

"But Bruce He- Bruce then ends the Call

But then Bruce's communicator then goes off, the person being Clark, Aka Superman. He answers the call, knowing he had no way of ignoring. 

"Hey Bruce." 

"Hello Clark." 

"You know you don't have to call me that?"

"It's your Name." Bruce elaborates.

"Is there anyone called Dick anymore?" 

"What do you want?" 

"Just caame to check up on you, it has been awhile since I was in Gotham. So had did it Go, With Harvey?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2021 ⏰

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