Idea #1

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Disclaimer: not all of these are the beginnings of the fanfic, some of these take place just a bit after what the beginning would be.

All rights to J.K. Rowling who wrote the original Harry Potter book series (unfortunately).

Anyways, that's all I have to say!


Title: Predictions By a Professor

Summary: We all know about Harry Potter's sacrifice in the wizarding war. How he put his life on the line for the betterment of life for the ones he loved. However, what would happen if people were made aware of his sacrifice early on? And what would happen if the one who made others aware about it was a Divination Professor who never did quite know how to word her predictions?


The ditzy Professor walked around the room until her eyes landed on Harry Potter. "My boy," Trelawney started. "Beware of your future self, for he will be the cause of your doom."

Professor Trelawney walked away from Harry as his face paled, and swiftly turned back around once she reached the end of the room.

"Any questions?" Professor Trelawney asked the class, her eyes seeming gigantic behind her rounded glasses.

The entire class looked at the Professor in shock, their heads slowly making their way to the pale-faced savior. Hermione seemed bewildered at how blunt the Professor seemed to be. Meanwhile Ron stared at his best mate with a look of confusion in his eyes.

Harry slowly raised his hand, finally processing what the Professor had just told him.

"Yes, Mr. Potter?" Professor Trelawney said, pointing at the boy with her shaky finger. Harry stuttered for a bit before finally gathering his words together.

"Professor, er- what do you mean about the whole "my future self will be the cause of my doom"- thing?" Harry asked.

"Mr. Potter, you must know that no one is supposed to know too much of their fate." Professor Trelawney warned, taking small steps towards Harry's table. Hermione scoffed at this and crossed her arms, obviously wishing she were somewhere else where she didn't have to listen to such a bizarre teacher.

"Of course, of course, but what do you mean by um- doom?" Harry asked, starting to get a bit stressed.

The Professor stopped walking and looked as if she had just gone into deep thought from Harry's question. The whole class held their breath as the Professor gasped, suddenly snapping out of her daze.

"Death." Professor Trelawney answered, eyes wide with revelation. The class gasped at the teachers announcement, all looking to the person next to them. Whispers broke out throughout the room, however, the Professor made no effort to quiet them down, instead focusing on the boy in front of her.

Ron's face grew from confused to pure shock as his face started to go as white as snow. Hermione seemed as though she was starting to believe Trelawney's words, however her face still held a look of disdain and uncertainty.

Harry's face, somehow, became even more paler than it was before. "Professor, do you mean there's going to be some sort of accident or?" Harry asked, causing the whole class to quiet down and start looking between the Professor and boy.

"Oh no no, it is no accident. Your future self did it for a reason." Professor Trelawney said, shaking her head. No one knew what "it" was but they didn't ask as they looked to see Harry's response.

"And what er, reason would that be?" Harry asked, his face starting to regain its color.

At that question, the whole class started reacting.

Some kids started theorizing to each other, some stayed quiet, some seem to have gone as pale as Harry had before.

Hermione had a calculating expression on her face as if she were theorizing with the other kids. Ron leaned over the table in anticipation to hear the Professor's answer.

"To end a life." Professor Trelawney said. "Your future self will be your doom. It will not be an accident nor will it be misfortune. The reason for your death will be to purely end a life." Professor Trelawney said.

Ron fainted at this response, Hermione gasped and looked at Harry with a look of pity and realization. Harry simply looked at the Professor with utter confusion as if he couldn't believe the fact that the Professor was actually suggesting what she was suggesting.

The whole class went into chaos as they realized what the Professor just said. Harry looked around the classroom to find that not one student was looking at him, except for two.

Hermione and Malfoy.

Hermione he could understand, she was his friend and by the look on her face, she was completely worried. Malfoy however, also had a face of worriment, which was something Harry didn't understand at all.


That's about all I've written for that story! Tell me what you think (if there's anyone reading this, that is) and if you would ever consider reading this if it were a full story?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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