She Found It

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Hello I'm Lyric Takahashi  I am 14 years old and I attend Daikoku Private Academy. I moved to Japan when I was 6 along with my mother and father.

They ended up getting a divorce when I was 8, so my mother deicded to move to Tokyo for a brand new start.

School life was pretty awkward at first, everyone was always staring at me considering I'm the only African American student there.

Since my academic skills were more advanced than regular students I was able to skip the 9th grade.

Since I'm younger than a majority of the people in my class I usually got asked if I could do people's homework.

Being the way I am of course I always declined which made a portion of the class grow a disliking towards me.

I didn't really care though if I'm being honest, I'm not a very person. Especially not with my classmates or anyone from my school in general.

Current Pov

I am currently in class and I am quite bored, I look up at the clock to see that there are 30 more minutes left of class.

 "Ms. Takahashi will you read the first paragraph of the summary for us"I hear my teacher say to me.

"Yes Mr.Suzuki," I say standing up from my chair,

 "Genji, the hero of the Tale, is the son of the emperor and his favorite concubine, Kiritsubo. A Korean sage predicts a brilliant future for Genji but his mother suffers the jealousy of rivals at court, becomes ill, and dies. The distraught emperor becomes obsessed with the tragic story of, but eventually finds another concubine, Fujitsubo, who reminds him of his former love."

(copied this from a website it isn't mine !!)

"Thank you, Ms.Takahashi,"  He says facing the bored once again, I once again start looking around the classroom until I finally look outside the window next to me.

I look around at the other buildings until I spot something on the ground. It was small and black, "I wonder what that is," I say to myself looking down at the black object.

(lil time skip)

"And class don't forget to turn in your Essay's" I hear Mr.Suzuki say before the bell goes off. Immediately my class starts packing up and exiting the room quickly.

I exit the classroom and decide to go and see what that weird black object was, as I'm making my way downstairs I see that the sun started shining a lot brighter than earlier.

"Damn that's bright," I say covering my eyes making my way outside, I finally see the book in the close distance and I walk over to it.

"Death Note," I say out loud as I read the cover, I bend down and decide to pick the book up.

I open up the book and start reading the first page.

"The whose name is written in this note shall die.This will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.If the cause of death is written within the next 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen.If the cause of death is not specified, the person will simply die of a heart attack.After writing the cause of death, details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds."

"Maybe one of the first years dropped this book somewhere," I say starting to walk to the school library.

I enter the library to see Ms.Ito sitting at her desk per usual, she notices me and immediately starts talking.

"Hello Lyric How Was Your Day," she says closing the book she was reading. "It was good Ms.Ito," I say smiling at her.

"Hey darling what's that book you're holding," she says looking down at my hand. "Oh, this is a book from My dad he mailed it to me," I say smiling at her.

"Oh really what's it about," she says smiling at me, "Oh Um it's about Different ways of death," I say giving her a crooked smile.

Her smile immediately drops and goes to n uncomfortable face, "Oh ok" she says going back to reading her book.

(Tine skip)

As i walk into the front door I'm greeted with our house cat lilo, i quickly pet her and walk straight upstairs.

I take the death note out of my backpack and decide to start reading more into it.

The notebook has 60 pages with 38 lines per page. If you write small, you can cram in as many names as you want.The Shinigami's voice and form will go completely unnoticed by others.In return for letting you keep the notebook, the Shinigami may take it back at any time.Those who do not wish to be followed by the Shinigami can get rid of him simply by giving the notebook back or throwing it away.It is up to the owner to decide how to use the notebook -- whether it be for world conquest, getting rid of that one guy, or choosing to not keep such a terrifying item.This Death Note can only be used by the one who found it. If the owner throws it away or loses it, the right of ownership is automatically transferred to whoever next picks it up.One must know the face of the person whose name is written down for there to be an effect. That way, people with the same names will not be affected all at once.If you write a cause of death after the name like this: (Name) died from (cause), then that will happen.You can write with any pen: the color doesn't matter. If you use a sticker with a name printed on it, there will be no effect. Please write directly onto the notebook. It would be a good idea to change your handwriting as much as possible.These letters cannot be erased. (Arrow pointed at the words "Death Note" on the cover.)If the cover is destroyed, the notebook cannot be used.Be careful not to let other people see it.You will not die if you write your name here, but it is not recommended. (Arrow pointed at the cover.)When you run out of room to write in the notebook, you may ask the original Shinigami owner for another. How many Death Notes would you need?

As I read over the last line I decide to look over another one of my lines again, i read over it multiple times until I come up with my question.

"What the fuck is a Shinigami," I say looking over more over the pages to see if there was an answer.

"Hello~" i hear a creepy voice say from behind me.

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