⇛︎ queen kitty

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A/n: posting here too, since this book has more reach

Summary: Adora finds a tiny kitten in a cardboard box. Once they get older, Adora is taken as Catra's prisoner. And Catra isn't so little anymore...

Contains Trans! Catra

// Some dirty thoughts and consensual hate smut \\

It was a relatively normal day for young Adora in the fright zone. She'd just treated herself to a gray ration bar to preserve her energy after 3 excruciatingly long hours of training. It tasted like dirt and sorrow, but at least it was something. She wrapped up the other half o it and shoved it in her pocket for later. Being only 5 years old, she and the rest of the mini soldiers-in-training in her age group were only doing mental tasks and dismantling simple enemy machines. Adora just couldn't wait until she was old enough to tackle the hard-hitting obstacles with the big kids.

After wiping off her hands, the young blonde decided she'd take a quick detour outside for some fresh air. If she was lucky, there'd be some caterpillars or worms to play with. When she stepped outside, however, she was not met with any slimy or 6-legged insects waiting for her. Instead, there was a cardboard box...and it was moving.

The young girl walked cautiously, remembering everything she'd been taught in mini-cadet training.

"Those tricky princesses will use any and every opportunity to strike. They're evil, conniving rebels. You can never be too careful."

Slowly, Adora grabbed a stick from the dirt and poked at the box gently. Nothing.

Suddenly, a pair of ears stuck up. Adora felt herself straighten up a bit. Wary. Cautious. Alert. Ready for anything. Feigning bravery, the girl took small steps closer. She wanted to show the others that she was just as brave. Not afraid of anything.

What Adora was not expecting to find was a tiny little kitten curled into a ball.

"Kitty!" The mini-horde soldier gasped, immediately picking up the brown ball of fluff. The cat was about half her size and looked very underfed.

Adora had never seen a cat up close before. She'd seen them in pictures and the occasional stray would wander around the barracks of the Fright Zone before Shadow Weaver would chase them off. Shadow Weaver didn't really like cats...but Adora was sure she'd make an exception for cuteness.

Adora hugged the kitten close. "You're cute...what's your name?"


"That's not very helpful...Are you a Girl kitty? Non...binary kitty? Boy kitty?" She asked curiously.

The mismatch-eyed feline hissed and flexed her claws at the idea of being called a 'boy kitty'. She clearly did not like that.

"So...girl kitty?"

The kitten then purred and snuggled into the crook of Adora's neck at that one. She took that as a sign of approval.

"Alright, girl kitty it is then," Adora decided. "Well, if you don't have a name, I'll give you one! My name is Adora, and you're a cat so I'll call you...Catra!"


"Ooo...that could be a fun name too! And I had applesauce one time...that was yummy. I think I'll call you Catra Applesauce Meowmeow!" She declared, eyes lighting up as if she'd just discovered the cure to disease.

The small feline just purred, instantly melting into Adora's touch. She didn't really warm up to people easily, but Adora just had some sort of spell on her.

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