The Delivery

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The road is cold and wet, the rain still seeping into the asphalt.

However, the motorcyclist we see does not care about what the weather is like.

She has a delivery.

She tucks the small wicker basket under her arm as she passes rows and rows of evergreen trees, through clouds of fog and mist, all the way to a very large mansion tucked into the woods.

The mansion was ornate in it's features, casting a large but warm shadow over the large driveway in front of it. It was almost welcoming in its presence. 

The motorcyclist gets off of her sleek black bike but keeps her helmet on. She grabs the basket and walks up to the door, giving it a few strong knocks before crossing her arms and waiting for someone to answer.

A man with a friendly round face opens the door. He beams at the motorcyclist.

"Hello! Ty said you would be coming by! Please come in and make yourself at h-"



"If you are going to address her, use her full title." She holds the basket out to him. "This is yours."

"Oh yes! Thank you so much! She told me you two would be taking care of them together?"

"Taking care of is stretch at best. We are mentors and nothing more. Do you understand that, Mr.  Hernandez?" 

"Yes! I do!" He smiles kindly. "I don't think I caught your name ma'am."

". . ."

He just smiles.

". . .If you must know, I am Nemesis. Do not refer to me with anything else."

"Alright, thank you!" He turns for a bit to set the basket inside. "Oh! One more thin-"

However, the woman is gone with no trace of her or her bike. 

The man looks out and goes inside, taking the basket inside the large entrance hall of the mansion. He moves to the living room, full of small ornate marble statues and a large warm fireplace.

He moves to pull up a chair next to the fireplace and he very gently sets the basket down. The basket seems heavy and whatever the contents inside are, are covered by a thick white blanket. 

The round man gently peels back the thick white blanket, letting out a small gasp as he sees what was inside.

Two small children lay in the basket, curled up next to each other. One of the children was wrapped in a red blanket, the other in a soft green blanket. They didn't look more than a few days old.

The man calls for his maids to help get the children some help.

And at that moment, there was little could be done. The cosmic forces of the universe had been set in motion. This day would change Fate as we know it.

For the vices had been created.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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