3. The Kiss That Changed Us

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I look at him.

Y: 'Why was it with you and asking those sory of questions today?'

L: 'Dunno, just wanna know'

Y: 'No disturbances?'

L: 'None'

Y: 'And we did everything?'

L: 'Absolutely'

Y: 'Then yeah, I probably would.'

L: 'Give me a reason'

Y: 'Alright fine. It's just cause I would trust you not to think of it as just sex, because it would mean alot to me. You know who strict my parents are and how they literally want to sell my virginity, and plus you've been alot of my first things. First friend, first bestfriend, first sleepover and so many more'

He smiles.

L: 'Yeah you were alot of my first things too, including all of those things, and you mean so much to me,'

I smile.

L: 'Oh come here,'

He leans over and wraps an arm around my waist and pulls me to him. I giggle and he pulls me to his chest. He wraps an arm around my chest and stomach and lays his head on my shoulder.

L: 'Night trouble'

I smile.

Y: 'Night weirdo'

He smiles into my neck and I fall asleep with him. I wake up to Luke yelling my name in my ear and I groan.

L: 'Come on, do you wanna show before school or not?'

Y: 'Y-yeah, can I use yours?'

L: 'Yeah, your stuffs already in there'

Luke kindly bought me shower stuff for when I come over for sleepovers etc.

Y: 'Why did you wake me up so loud'

L: 'Because why not, now come on'

I sigh and get up and have a quick shower. I then remember that my stuff is still in Luke's room, and I can hear him getting ready.

Y: 'Luke'

L: 'Yeah'

Y: 'I left my clothes in the closet, can you pass them in please?'

L: 'Yeah, one sec'

He knocks and I remember the towel is on the other side of the bathroom.

Y: 'Dont look'

L: 'Wouldn't dream of it'

You open the door slightly and Luke immediately looks at me. I grab the clothes and slam the door and Luke laughs.

L: 'You forgot your bra'

I mutter a swear word. I open the door and he smirks and I immediately cover my boobs.

L: 'Nothing I haven't seen before'

Y: 'Oh come on Luke, we were 9 years old!'

When we were 9, we went swimming and me and Luke had to share a changing room to get changed back into our clothes. Whilst I was putting on my shirt, I accidentally dropped my towel and showed everything to him. He hadn't let me off that ever since. Once I'm changed I go out to him and sigh.

Y: 'You knew I had 0 boobs then because I was 9,'

L: 'Dont change the fact I saw your nonexistent boobs, not my fault you wear a pushup to not feel so insecure'

My Bestfriend With Benefits Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ