Chapter 6

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Kohtimisu's POV

Kazue and I had just finished our job request when we arrived to the guild where everyone was in chaos.

"What the hell is going on?" I shout. Kazue clings to my arm.

One of the younger guild members came up to me with tears in his eyes. "M-Master Ningyo was kidnapped..."

My eyes widen. "What?!"

He points to a letter on one of tables and I pick it up. It reads,

Dear Fairywing Guild,
I have taken your master Ningyo for a little... Fun. If you don't come soon, she'll be dead. So hurry, I plan to make her life a living hell. Or at least what is left of her life.

I slammed my hand down on the table. "That bastard!"

Kazue looked up at me. "It's big brother isn't it?"

I look at her and tears fall from my eyes. I nod head yes and she looks down. How could he be her older brother... Poor Kazue has to deal with that idiot being her older brother... I kneel down and hug her. "I'm so sorry Kazue...."

"It's okay Misu-Chan because I have you." She says quietly.

I hug her tighter. "You sure do kid."

I stand up. "I'm going to save her alone."

Kazue grabs my shirt. "Take me too."

"I don't want you to get hurt Kazue."

She looks up at me. "I need to see big brother."

My eyes widen. "No!"

"Please Misu-Chan. I have to see him."

I stay quiet for a moment then mutter, "Fine."

She hugs me. "Thank you!"

I ruffle her hair and and give a fake smile. Why did I say yes? If she gets hurt or even dies it's my fault... But I do know that she is strong... Her older brother is very strong as well... It doesn't matter! I have to get back Master Ningyo!

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