Problem Pt. 2

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ik ik- I haven't posted in this book in forever TT. I have no insperationnnnnnn and I couldn't think of what I was trying to achieve with the past chapter but its fineeee- we good- I'm writing now- Are you proud 🥺👉👈 kk I'm done-


At XXXXXXXXXXXX Hospital, because I can most definitely think of a hospital name-

3rd Person:

The Hospitals doors slammed open as frazzled Bakugo rushed into to Hospital and up to the front desk. The people in the waiting room stared at him, silently whispering about his sudden outburst as he passed. Katsuki sent them an agitated glare before turning back to the lady at the front desk.

"Where is Izuku Midoriya." He asked roughly, as the lady behind the desk began to shrink back slightly at the harshness of his voice. 

"I'm sorry sir, there's no one name Izuku Midoriya checked into the hospital today, perhaps you have to wrong hospital?" She replied swiftly as she began clicking on her computer, checking the hospital's database.

"No, I'm at the right hospital." Bakugo stated, matter of factly, as he crossed his arms impatiently.

Silence settled in the room as the receptionist hummed in acknowledgement of his response, continuing to click on the computer.

After a few seconds she looked up from her screen and looked up at Bakugo. 

"There is no Izuku Midoriya here today, however, there is an Inko Midoria if that's someone you know."

"Auntie Inko!?" Bakugo replied, flabbergasted.

"I take it you know her?" The receptionist asked skeptically.

"Of course I know her, where is her room!" Katsuki exclaimed in frustration at the receptionist's question.

She hummed again as she looked back at her computer, "Name?"


"I need your name sir."

"Katsuki Bakugo."

After a few more minutes of her clicking on her computer, she looked back up at me, "You're not on our list, sir."

"Excuse me."

"Ms. Midoriya is only allowed family members at this time, and you aren't on the list of family members. I'm sorry but I cant let you in."



Bakugo turned to see Midoria standing behind him.

"Bloody Hell Deku, where did you come from-" Bakugo screeched in surprise.

"Shush this is a hospital." Izuku stated, before turning his attention to the receptionist, "Izuku Midoriya, Inko Midoriya's son. I know Bakugo is not on the family list but we consider him family and Inko would love to see him. Is there any way he could visit?" 

"I'm sorry sir, but I can't let him in, doctors stated she's not fit to see visitors other than family at the moment."

"I understand." Izuku replied in defeat.

"Thank you for understanding, your friend could stay down here in the waiting room until you leave."

"That won't be necessary, I'll be leaving now, thank you."

"Alright, have a good day, sirs."

"You too!" Izuku replied, as he dragged Bakugo out of the hospital.

Once they got outside, Bakugo pulled his arm away from Izuku harshly.

"Answers. Now." He stated.

"I gave you all the answers you need, Mom got caught up in a villain attack. The doctors said she's going to be ok, she just needs to be hospitalized for a few days."

"You're all too calm about your mom being in the hospital."

"My mom's strong Kacchan, she's going to be fine!"

"Oh cut the crap Izuku." Bakugo took a step towards Midoriya as his voice grew harsher, venom dripping off each word, "You and I both know Inko's too smart to get caught up in a villain attack. Besides, there no news of a civilian being hospitalized on the news. What really happened to Auntie."

"I don't know what you're talking about Kacchan."

"Those shitty reporters are always at every villain attack, and swarming the hospital when someone is injured, but look around, no camera in sight. The news station, bare. There's no sign of an attack." 

Bakugo took another step towards Midoriya, trapping him against the wall as he glared down at him.

"What are you hiding."


*Sips tea* 

And that's a wrap guys. I still dont know what I'm doing but eh- I never do.

What do you think happened to Inko?

Did she really get attacked by a villain, or was it something more?

Is Bakugo looking into it to much?

Or is Izuku hiding something from everyone?

Find out in the next month where I'd probably forget about this book and then continue it-

Also my class go real quiet and I dont know what were doing-

I'm scared...

I think I just heard someone moan through the zoom call- 

I- I am scared- 


Side note:

Guys idk how visiting works at hospitals I'm sorry, I've only ever visited someone in the hospital once and idk what we had to do to visit. I cant remember. So I'm just guessing, also ik that friends can visit people in the hospital, but due to this situation only family can visit. Thats how its gonna go. Also the reason the receptionist didn't know that Izuku was at the hospital was because he wasn't checked into the hospital, his mother was. And when she checked the list and saw his name, she didn't say due to protection of privacy or some shit. idk- I've been to hospitals a lot but I've only ever visited once-

Also this was written in one go so sorry if there's errors-


900 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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