Chapter 25: Mia

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Brice's P.O.V


Screams echoed through the castle. People laid dead on the battle field, some were knights, others were pedestrians. I heard one final scream, and then purple and yellow eyes stared at me in the dark.

----End of dream----

I woke up to baby Nico crying. I quickly made my way toward him, quietly so I don't wake up my kitty. I picked up Nico, and walked him around the hospital. He opened his eyes, and made a little noise. His brown eyes sparkled as he stretched. I noticed little wings on his back, and frowned. I hope he doesn't get bullied for that.

"I've never seen anything like it!"

I quickly stopped, and crouched down, hold Nico close to my chest. I carefully put my ear against the door where people were talking. I peeked through the door, and saw a lot of scientist crowding something.

"Its a cat...and a dragon! This only happens 1 millennia."

A doctor reached down, and held up...a baby?! It was girl, judging by the purple blanket. It looked like...

"We can't give the gay couple this magnificent creature! They'll ruin our discovery!" One scientist exclaimed. ((UC: I know Seto changed to a girl, but scientists know he's a boy.))

Now I know that the baby was Seto and mine.

"I have an idea!" Another said, "we'll tell them their baby died, that way we can keep it!"

"Excellent! Now, take care of that thing. It seems to be struggling to survive" one demanded.

Suddenly, Nico began to cry. I quickly ran back to the room, making sure they don't see me.

What am I going to tell Seto?

I burst into our room, and woke up Seto.

"Huh...w-what's wrong?" Seto asked in his sleepy voice.

It turned me on...BUT NOWS NOT THE TIME.

"Seto...there are scientists here. They plan on taking Mia and use her for studies" I said.

Seto's eyes immediately went wide.

"W-What are we gonna do?" He asked.

"I have a plan"

~~Next day~~

"I'm sorry to tell you this,  but...unfortunately....Mia did not make it." The doctor told us.

Seto fake cried, and I comforted him.

The doctor walked up to us.

" should be able to-"

I cut him off by grabbing his neck.

"Where's Mia?" I growled.

The doctor was trembling in my arms.

I tightened my grip on him.

"Where. Is. My. Daughter."

"She's...she's in t-t-the infirmary. Oh notch. P-P-Please don't kill me!" He cried.

I put him down and grabbed Seto's hand.

Before we left, Seto put a spell on the doctor, knocking Mr. Hernandez out.

We ran to the infirmary, Seto holding Nico.

We stoped near the infirmary, and I told Seto to wait here.

Seto's P.O.V

Brice told me to wait here, and he walked in the infirmary.

I held Nico close to my chest, and noticed something on his back. Little black ender wings stretched, along with a tiny black tail. He was an Ender hybrid.

I heard screaming, and babies crying.

Brice bursted through the doors, holding a very small bundle in his hands.

"Let's go!" He said.

He opened his long wings, and enveloped me, and the babies.

He teleported out of the hospital, and to the castle.

Or what was left of it...


Damn...I suck at happy endings, don't i? Lololololol

Hope you liked this chapter!



Oh wait...

So...I got hacked. My old account, Miaotic. Please don't pay any attention to them.



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