trente deux : am i just using him?

14 6 14

10:43 p.m.
tuesday eve —
bedroom parlour


i am glad that
mother graced me
with her existence.
her light that
entered from the
ajar doors of my
balcony kept me
company as i


it wasn't long
when a hand
emerged from
the railings that
were painted with
rust. too ancient
to retain its former
glory. too tired to 
fight its enemy —

the rain.

i ran to his aid —
his smile i first saw
when i peered
down. there was
no long hair on
me to help him.
so, the vines
succored instead.

i pulled him up.
holding too tight —
afraid of the ground
that wouldn't
hesitate to swallow
him if i were to let
go of. not yet. i still 
need him.


Our Vintage Dance on the PhonographTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon