• - omegle •

434 24 12

victim one

Omegle       Talk to strangers!                                                43,000+ online now

You are now chatting with a random stranger.

You: hi

Stranger: ayeee

You: ayeeeeeeee

Stranger: ayeeeeeeeeeee

You: ayeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



You: ok it was nice meeting you.

victim two

Omegle       Talk to strangers!                                                43,000+ online now

You are now chatting with a random stranger.

You: ?

Stranger: guy or girl

You: girl

Stranger: nudes?

You: ew go away

victim three

Omegle       Talk to strangers!                                                 43,000+ online now

You are now chatting with a random stranger.

You: jake is that you

Stranger: yes it's me

You: why did you leave me jake

Stranger: i had to goooooooo

You: what about our children jake

Stranger: i'm so sorry. you guys will be better off without me.

You: don't do this jake

Stranger: i'm sorry *turns around, walks away and never looks back*


victim four

Omegle       Talk to strangers!                                                43,000+ online now

You are now chatting with a random stranger.

Stranger: Greeting's stranger.

You: Hello.

You: I respect you for sending the first message. It's always me who starts the convo.

Stranger: Well, I respect you for respecting me.

You: I respect you, respecting me, respecting you.

Stranger: That's a lot of respect you're doing.

Stranger: I respect that.


Stranger: I honestly have no idea what just happened.

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