The Rescue

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"That's not very sporting of you. How about picking on someone larger? I'd make a much better meal."

A voice! Relief flooded through Bedivere, it sounded human. He hoped it belonged to a human. His eyes opened hesitantly but since he wasn't dead yet it wouldn't hurt for him to see his saviour. The creature's attention turned to the sound of the male. It bared its fangs, growling through gnarly teeth. Bedivere cringed, it seemed mad.

Bedivere's gaze was glued to his hero. An actual knight had come to his rescue, he couldn't believe his luck. He'd come into contact with his dream. Albeit under horrible circumstances.

The creature lunged but it seemed to be no match for his hero's blade. The knight moved without fault, skewering its target in one strike. Despite the fact that the knight appeared to be on the younger side, he was well trained. Bedivere couldn't move, his jaw dropped in astonishment.

Blood dripped off the blade as the knight detached his sword from the monster's body. The knight stared at him, Bedivere wasn't sure whether to squirm under his glare or thank him for saving him from an unwanted fate. He could have died, he'd been so close to almost dying.

"The thing... it pretended to be a horse... I didn't know until it changed." Bedivere's voice wavered as he spoke. "But you, you killed it."

His irate breathing was slowing down. It was dead but that didn't mean it wouldn't haunt his nightmares for his foreseeable future. He'd been living alone too, waking up without his mother to comfort him. He shivered, none of this would have happened if she was alive.

"It's a puca." The knight explained. "They usually come in packs. You're lucky that there was only one."

Bedivere nodded, this was why he wanted to be a knight. They came across monsters on a daily basis yet fought them off without showing fear. They saved people. They were the ones keeping Camelot safe from magical threats that lurked in the dark.

"You're safe now. What's your name?" He knelt to Bedivere's height, peering into his hazel eyes.

"My name's Bedivere, sir." He grinned. "I want to be just like you when I grow older. A hero!"

Bedivere almost went to hug him but held back. He wasn't sure that he was allowed to do that sort of thing. He'd have to repay the knight somehow though. Most knights were given some sort of coin for their services when they battled a monster saving a nearby village. Bedivere didn't have anything he could give him. He frowned.

"You have a lot to learn, kid." The knight ruffled his hair, laughing. "Though where are your parents? How long have you been out in the forest? It's not safe out here."

"Not here, sir. They're dead. It's been months."

Bedivere's eyes watered. It was either accepting that both of them were dead or that his father didn't want to raise a child. He'd rather believe they were together in Avalon. Not that it made much difference. He had no one, there would be no one to return home too.

"You were really brave, most people under this circumstance would have been too terrified to act."

He had been scared, in fact, he'd been petrified over what could have happened to him. There was no point wasting thoughts over it now though. He was alive and that was what mattered. The knight had gone silent, pondering over thoughts before he spoke up again.

"How about you come back with me and I set you up as one of my knight's squire."

"Really?" Bedivere's eyes lit up.

He nodded and so things were set into motion. They rode on up to the castle on horseback. Bedivere had never had the luxury to own a horse or even ride one. This was a completely new experience for him. One he would enjoy to the fullest, he'd be remembering this moment for the rest of his life.

Though he did wonder how this knight would be able to make this dream of his happen. He doubted that anyone would even want him working under them. He was scrawny from a lack of sustenance. Squire's had to go through a lot of training under their knights.

Who would he be training under?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2021 ⏰

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