Day 3

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Ethan's POV:

I went from being the last to wake up to the first. I almost went back to sleep, but the need to pee overrode my comfort.

I gently pried myself out of Marcus's hold, freezing completely when he moved slightly. I didn't want to wake him up, he needed his rest. He thankfully stayed asleep so I left the hut.

The sun was just about to rise. We were on the east side of the island, so it would be easily visible. I didn't want to miss it so I ended up waiting a few minutes. I could hold my pee to see the view of a lifetime.

And I did. It was the most beautiful sunrise I'd ever laid my eyes on. I watched the sky turn from a light purple to orange, yellow, red, and a hint of green. Once I'd had enough of the sightseeing, I finally walked over to the bushes.

I finished doing my business and wandered around for a bit. As long as I could see the clearing, I wouldn't get lost. After about 2 minutes, I heard screaming for the second morning in a row.

Although it was far away, I heard it as if I was there. This was worse than Sam screaming. Way worse. It sounded agonized, pained. I couldn't help but be alarmed. Could one of the other groups be getting attacked by a rabid animal? It certainly sounded like it.

I saw leaves rustling a few yards in front of me and immediately wished I'd brought a weapon. I was standing out here alone and defenseless. Was there another animal coming to attack my group? I didn't know what to think. Out of pure terror, I raised my fists, ready to punch the damn thing.

Only it wasn't an animal. It was a man. He was tall, his clothes were torn and dirty, and his eyes were full of panic. Well, one of his eyes was in a worse state than that. It was grey and cloudy, probably from the large scar that ran from above his eyebrow to the middle of his cheek.

"Oh thank god, another person. Look, you need to get out of here," he panted. I looked at him in confusion. I didn't even know who this dude was, and he was telling me to leave.

"Those screams. You had to have heard them. Someone from my old group, Nathan, he convinced everyone that only the strong survive. He's planning on killing everyone he possibly can. Please, get your group and run," he continued. I was full of confusion and anxiety. He had to be telling the truth. The worry and pain in his voice, the pleading tone of it. I believed him.

"Do you know how close he is?" I asked, leading him to the clearing. Now that I think about it, it wasn't really that smart. He could've been conspiring with Nathan, for all I knew. But the way he was acting... It just felt too real.

"He's gotten that group of girls by now and he's probably heading this way," he said. When we arrived back at the clearing, everyone was awake.

"Who is that?" Sam asked defensively.

"No time to explain all that right now, but my old group is on their way to kill you. We have to go, now."

I started shoving my stuff into my bag and Marcus looked at me, clearly concerned. Everyone, seeing how hasty I was being and hearing the urgency in this stranger's voice, packed up their things too. We rapidly left, led by the man, once everyone was done.

We all walked quickly and quietly, listening for any signs of people around us. Fin must've got tired of the silence, though, and asked, "So what's going on?"

"Well, I think it would be best to start with an introduction first. My name is Grayson and I'm from the War District," he replied.

He shot back a glare when Sam muttered, "Clearly." Most people didn't like those from the War District, or that District entirely. Everyone thought of them as violent and heartless. How else could they train to fight others to the death if need be?

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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