I Don't Hate Him

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Ian pov
I am sitting at a Starbucks trying to warm up even tho i can't by anything. Employe comes to me "you have to leave if you don't by anything" she says. I sigh and leave.

It's freezing outside and i can't stand it. I keep walking around so i don't freeze fully. I walk pass few house and look inside their windows of families having fun.

Then i come to one and see that chipmunks in the Window looking. They see me. Oh no.

Dave pov
I am watching peacfully tv on the sofa. Theodore comes running to me. "Dave" he says "yeah?" i ask "Uncle Ian is outside" he says. Some instic pulls me up from the cough and outside. I see him sitting on a bench. I put my coat on and go up to him.

"Ian, why are you here" i ask "i am just uh" he stutters clearly freezing. "so Theodore was right" i say "no" he says. "please come inside" i say and walk him in to our house so he doesn't freeze.

But why do i help him. Someone who hates me. And who i hate-. But do i hate him actually.

I make Ian sit on the cough and make him hot cup of tea and bring blanket. "why are you doing this?" Ian asks "i have morals" i answer and smile a little. He tries to smile. That makes me feel weird.

"tell me" i start "yes, i am homeless" he says quietly. "i knew it" i answer. "i used to live in this school dumbing place but they kicked me out when found out" he says. I nobb my head.

Ian is still freezing so i go get a another blanket so he feels better. Some weird feeling is going all over my body.

Theodore, Alvin and Simon come to the living room and look scared. "uncle ian" Simon screams "calm down, he is not gonna hurt you"

Boys look at me and then Ian. They leave. "are you still cold?" i ask "little" Ian answers. I nob. He looks at me.

"dave i am hungry" Theo says "i will make us food" i answer him and smile. I stod up and go to the kitchen to make food.

Ian pov
I keep drinkin my tea. I take a look at dave in the kitchen. Why does he care about my well being. I tried to ruin his life.

Theodore comes up to me and looks at me. "uncle Ian" he says "what?" i ask bit annoyed "why don't you have a home?" he asks. I sigh. "i don't have money, that's why" i answer. I look at dave again.

He is making some food. I feel something weird. I look outside. It is snowing.

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