Part 30

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Dear diary,
As I stared into the mirror at a reflection that wasn't mine, I couldn't help but wonder if it was my sister. The girl in the mirror, she was identical to me. The only differences were her ravens black hair and her stormy dark blue eyes. Well I had light baby blue eyes and dirty blonde hair. It was as if I had known her my entire life. I looked into her eyes smiling. She was the other baby in my memory, my twin sister. "It's nice to finally meet you" I said a tear rolling down my face. The other half of me was finally complete. I always knew something was missing but I didn't know what, until now. I lifted my hand from the mirror wiping the tear from my face. Feeling my unmarked skin underneath my fingertips. Immediately placing my hand back quickly. But this time I could feel her hand, not the mirror. It cold and rough. She push me back as she crawled out of the mirror. I flew across the room my back crashing against the wall. Pain rushed though out my body as I struggle to get up. A knock came at the door again. I tried to yell for help, but nothing by mumbles escape my lips. Elijah began pounding on the door. He tried the handle but the room was magically sealed. And not by me. My sister slid her body sitting on the floor with me. Her legs crossed. I was astounded she was even wearing the same outfit I was. I push my back closer to the wall trying to distance my self from her. "Elijah I'm fine you need to stop worrying" she yelled though the door. God she even sounded like me. I shook my head before turning to the wall beside me, I tried to be as loud as possible as I banged on the door. But no sound came. She began to laugh. "You don't think I'm that dumb" she laughed ripping my arms from the wall. I flinched at the coldness of her hands. There felt similar to ice and salt begin mixed together. I wondered why I wasn't healing. Then I remembered what Tina say I could be kill by my own flesh and blood. My sister could be the death of me. She dropped her grip on my arms inching closer to where I was sitting. Her ice cold hands grabbed my face. I could feel it burning. "We can be power you know, you just have to let me in" she smiled as a strand of dark black hair fell in her face. "Now I want you scream" she as a the burning sensation growing. I closed my eyes memory flooding back to me. They hurt... they hurt so much. But I couldn't give in, I couldn't scream. My scream could kill everyone it his town and I wouldn't allow that. I began receiving two sets of memories, hers and mine. She was trying to merge with me. She was trying to consume my power and take my body. I wildly open my eyes looking up at the door handle. The door forcefully open. Breaking the magic binding it shut. "Elijah" I weakly cry. The pain rushing through me it felt like I was being shot a dozen times. I was gonna pass out. "Elijah" I cried again. "Someone help" I said as my power left my body. She was winning. Elijah stormed into the restroom. He looked confused. He couldn't see her. Sweat dripped down my face as I fought to stay awake. "The mirror" I breathed. "Destroy the mirror". And those were my last words before the room when black. I awoke to a high pitch scream next to me. Bursting my eardrums. I looked over at Elijah holding a broken mirror. He rushed over to me. Placing his hand on my shoulder. I sighed. She was gone. Klaus came running in. He looked around the room. "Who completely demolished my restroom?" He angrily said. I let out a weak giggle which hurt my lungs. Klaus moved his attention to me, taking a step back. "What" I said worried. I moved my hands to my face, I felt normal. I turned to Elijah. "What happened?" I asked him. "Grace, half your face looks" he paused. I shook my head. No. She couldn't have won. Elijah continued "half your face looks unlike you."

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖎𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉 Where stories live. Discover now