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It seems like Potter forgot that the walls are thin. I can hear the whole conversation. Does Potter really not know what makes me angry?


Potter quietly closes the room door expecting me to be asleep. He slightly jumped when he saw me sitting at my desk in the same position I was in when he left.

"You should really get some sleep." Potter whispers.

"Do you really not know what makes me angry at you?" I turn around in my chair to look at him.

"What?" Potter stares at me.

"Do you want to know why I'm angry at you?" I stand up and take a step closer to Potter.

"What are you talking about-" I cut Potter off.

"Do you have any idea how infuriating it is to see you walking around? Everyone thinks you're hot shit. But you, you are just a poor damaged boy. You aren't a golden boy, you never were and you'll never be." I take a step closer.

"I have to walk in your shadow as the death eater. Do you have any idea how much it pisses me off that everyone thinks you're Mr. Perfect. No one is perfect, and you are not an exception. You infuriate me." I squint my eyes, our faces are close. I can feel Potter's slow breaths against my temple. I never noticed our height difference until now.

Potter doesn't say a word, this makes me even more pissed. I want to piss him off too, I want to suprise him.

"Well, if me not being kind to you puts your panties in a twist, I might as well do as you want golden boy. I'll give you a fucking truce." I step back and extend my hand.

Potter's big green eyes flicker between my hand and my cold dark eyes.

"Well?" I tap my foot impatiently.

"Uh... Y-yeah. Yeah." Potter stutters.

"What? Golden boy getting nervous?" I tease.

"Hey, hey, hey, we're having a truce here." Potter says.

"It hasn't started yet." I wave my hand in front of him and keep it extended.

"Oh! Uhm, yeah." Potter quickly grasps my hand and firmly shakes it.

If you ask me, our handshake lasted a second longer than it should have.

But, is it bad to say that the small amount of contact I had with Potter didn't upset me?



This Is Love?- DrarryWhere stories live. Discover now