the ball

105 11 3

I don't get to process what's happening but the next second there is a trail of red paint on my dress. It takes a darker shade as it soaks in the soft white fabric. It looks like blood. I climb down the wooden stool, sighing, and stare at the unfinished painting.

"Why am I even using red?" I mumble, rubbing my neck. Nonetheless, I pick up the spilled can from the ground; there's barely anything left in it. I add a little too much water in it from the pitcher on the table next to me and dip the paint brush in it, dripping a few drops of the red paint on the huge canvas in front of me. The drops sink in the cloth, some continue to drip down. I suck in a sharp breath as I gaze at what I've created.

It's a painting of a crown. It's falling down. Blood drips from every inch of it. From the jewels in it, from the curves and carvings. My mother's voice rings in my head, power corrupts

"Perfect." I mutter absentmindedly.

"Roseanne..." Alice knocks on the door. Her face is unreadable as ever as I open the door. "Early practice? Hold on, I'll get my - " I turn to get my bag but Alice stops me.

"No, it's not that..." She doesn't meet my gaze when I look at her.

"Then what is it?" I cock my head to the side, confused.

She sighs and says, "the...Prince... would like to see you,"


"You heard me. He wants to see you. He isn't asking." No, he's ordering. I bite back an angry retort. I was to obey his order, no matter what. "I'll change then."

"You look fine." She grabs my arm, harder this time, annoyed. I hold her gaze  and break free my arm from her grip as we both head to the grand stairs.


He sits in one of the royal lounge, gazing at paintings of his ancestors. It's all that's left of them.

The lounge is huge, with enormous windows. It's decorated with gold and jewels. Disgust takes root inside of me, I make sure my face does not show it. A chandelier hangs above, drenched wigh countless fine diamonds and gems that shine brightly. it may be the biggest I've ever seen. It's beautiful. But dangerous. If it dropped it would slice through anything easily. I remember walking through here wishing it did fell and sliced through me.

The Prince is dressed in a green velvet doublet matched with knee-high leather boots. You could never find him in the same doublet twice. His blach wavy hair brush against his cheekbones, rather then being pushed back. It was odd of him; to not have all his hair pushed back, tamed and not being dressed in ruffles. Then again, he was supposed to be the 'King who changes Eloria'. He sat elegantly, his legs crossed and his back straight and one hand brushing against his cheek. Court manners.

I cleared my throat and knocked on the open door. His eyes diverted from the painting, to me. His chocolate brown eyes show surprise, quickly softening.

"Lady Roseanne, I'm glad you could join me." His deep, husky voice sent a spider of shiver crawling down my spine. It was the first time I had heard him talk. His voice, deep as the ocean, suited his intimidating features.

"Please, take a seat." He gestured to the empty spot next to where he was seated. I ignore his gesture and sit across him. "Very well," he lets out while clearing his throat.

"How may I be of assistance, your highness?" I inquire with a hint of annoyance in my voice. His Adam's apple bobs, he opens his mouth to say something but closes it again.

"I wanted to discuss a matter with you." I only blink. It was the only reaction I allowed to show.

"I am sure you're aware of the fact that Eloria and Roma allied themselves a few years back. To honor this alliance they decided to arrange a... ball of sort. The nobles of the court of Roma have been arriving, keeping me very occupied."

"I do not understand how politics have have any sort of connection with my... profession, your grace." I say silently, even though I don't show it but it brings me a hint of joy as the meaning settles in to him.

"Would you want me to perform in front of them?" I inquire, knowing damn well.

"No! I mean—no, that is not what I called you for." He freaks out—then takes a minute to compose himself, "you play," he says finally.

"That I do," I nod my head, acting oblivious to where this was going.

"It would mean a lot to me if you would help me make a good impression on the Royals by playing the piano. I, er, heard you the other day." The way he says it confuses me. I had expected a you are to play for them.

This... This was not what I expected.

"—I understand you'd require some time to make the decision, nor am I forcing you, obviously. There are other people available who'd want to play as well but—I want you to... I mean, it would be very kind of you to help me out through this." He ends his clumsy speech I can only offer a smile.
It confuses me further— this behaviour. He was a monster who caged me, not... not a Prince trying desperately to stay together.

"I'd require time." Is all I say. He nods, and in all my time here the thing that surprises me the most is: 

"Would you mind to take some time out  and... have a walk with me?"

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