Chapter 33

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Kim's P.O.V.

"Ha that one looks like a cat."

"What? No. More like a tiger."

"A tiger is a cat dingus," I retorted, looking up at the cloud we were staring at. We were lying in the grass at Central Park, looking to see who could find the coolest cloud. We decided that we would spend the whole day together in New York City because school work and finals were getting ahead of us.

"Found it."

"Found what?"

"The coolest one," Sean cooed, smiling at me as he turned his head. "You."

"Ha-ha very funny. Thanks but we're talking about clouds," I smiled back at his romance-ness and shook my head.

"Ok ok find. I'm sorry for being an amazing boyfriend," he admired himself as I kicked him in the shin.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Oh found it. It's a cow. Let's go," I said while standing up and looking at the cloud that sort of looked like a cow. It just shows how creative I am.

"What? That is not a cow," Sean retorted as he still laid on the ground.

"Use your imagination," I snapped while grabbing his muscular arm and dragging him upward. "Let's go."

"Ok! Yeesh," Sean sassed as I dragged him away from where we were sitting. "What are we doing now?"

I looked at my list of things to do, ride in a taxi and go to Central Park and cloud watch were already checked off, thanks to me. I skimmed down the list, looking for something else we could do thats near by, and stopped at go to ESPN store. Sean...

"Sean, did you put go to ESPN store on here?" I called as he slipped away, searching for an exit to the park. Not that I don't want to to, but I have no clue how to fit that into our schedule. I mean we have like 25 other things on here.

"Yes.. Can we please go! Please! Please! Pretty please with a cherry on top!" He squealed as I rolled my eyes and walked towards him.

"Sure. But that means going to the Apple Store is out," I reasoned, realizing that going to the Apple Store was useless anyway. It's an Apple Store, not the Eiffel Tower. Sean celebrated and we exited Central Park.

It was Memorial Day weekend, which meant we had two more days here. Sean surprised me with this gift after feeling sorry about bailing on me after prom, which was a week ago. Even though I forgave him, he still felt bad about it. We rented a hotel room for the next two nights, making sure Sean and I had separate beds or else my mom would flip out and never let me go. Not to mention Kate, Kurt, Holly, and Zac are coming tomorrow so their rooms are at the most a floor away from us. Once again, with separate beds.

So now we were heading to the next thing on our list, go to a small café. We entered the building and got on line and ordered. It suddenly hit me that I had no clue how to order coffee. I looked like a goat that just recently learned to talk and barely knew the English language. Not only that, but there were about 15 people behind me hurrying me along.

"Uhh I'll have a um... How big are the smalls? Never mind I see. Okay what does the cinnamon.. Never mind it's too much money. Okay okay uhhh...... Oh! Does the vanilla chai come with cinnamon too? Wait duh never mind okay what about-"

"She'll have a small vanilla latte with whip cream, add a little less sugar too. As you can see shes a little hyped up today," Sean quickly interrupted, clearly frantic that I was embarrassing him. The barista nodded and began making the drinks.

"Well what was that for?" I asked as we walked away from the counter with our drinks in our hand. "I was getting there. Plus how do you know I like vanilla?"

Torn- A Sean O'Donnell FanFictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora