Chapter 9

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- Slendy's P.O.V. -

I walk through the forest to the house I've been watching. Toby's long-lost sister lives here. (Not his sister from the story, an OC of Katie_The_Nerd) Her name is Kira Rodgers. Twin sister of Toby Rodgers. She's been living in this old house by herself for the last few months. She's the one I am going to take. And if she survives this, she will join us.

- Kira's P.O.V. -

I'm sitting in my living room munching on stale Lucky Charms, the only thing I could find. I have my hatchets beside me just in case. You never know when you live all alone. I feel like I've been being watched for the past few weeks, but that's not uncommon.

Getting up, I walk into the kitchen-area and put my bowl in the sink overflowing with dirty dishes and rotting food.

I crinkle my nose in disgust, knowing I'm gonna have to do the dishes in the morning.

I head to the couch and lay down, covering myself in two thick blankets, bundling up for the harsh night ahead.

- Slendy's P.O.V. -

Kira is now asleep, which means it's the perfect time to 'acquire' her.

I teleport to her side and gently lift her up. With my tentacles I grab her hatchets and backpack- which I notice is filled with clothes and the basic essentials.

Teleporting outside her house, I start walking. I know all the others are waiting  Me at my mansion, but hey can wait awhile. I feel like enjoying the dark aura of my forest tonight before heading home.

I walk slowly, enjoying the evil in the air.

When I see my mansion twenty- two minutes later, I speed up and head towards the basement. I've been planning this for quiet some time, so I have room for all if the girls.

Entering the room with my symbol on the door, I lay Kira Rodgers down on the bed. I turn around on my way out and notice how peaceful she looks when she's asleep. Nothing like how she's going to act in the morning.

Walking out, I lock the door and head to my room to rest before the long day to come tomorrow.

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