A shitty gay song about you

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Xiao x Aether

Watching my fish swim in my room
Fooling around I think of you

Xiao is leaning on the fence at Wangshu inn and is thinking about the adventures they had so far.

No rhyme or reason you're just in my head
And I'm alone in my bed

Xiao is in bed, looking up and in the ceiling he sees a faint outline of Aether

I'm listening to the songs you told me to
I don't really like them but I'll pretend for you
I'll learn some lyrics so I can sing when you do
But I keep thinking of only you

Aether is singing Xiao some of the songs he learned from other worlds and Xiao tries singing along only to mess up and they giggle at the little mistakes.

When I'm not around you don't care
And even when I make a sound you don't know that I'm there

Its the lantern rite and they go up on one of the hills to let go a Xiao lantern and Aether seems to be in his own little world, thinking about his sister and where she is.

I listen to you rant about your shitty
Life even though I know I can make it better
And I'm not saying I'd be the best
Boyfriend but I'd always lend you my sweatshirt
When you're cold

Aether breaks down in Xiaos arms, saying how he doesnt even know if shes still alive, or if he'll ever find her. Xiao comforts him, hugging him and telling him he will find her.

And when you hear this song you won't know its about you
'Cos you're oblivious to my feelings and that's fine

Xiao writes a song about Aether, basically confessing but Aether doesn't realize and finds it amazing and that he should write more. Xiao is a little hurt, but hides it behind a kind smile.

But I hope when you hear it you'll add it to
A playlist of your favourite songs of all time

*screen turns black and lightens up to a dark gray*
Xiao is singing this while at Aethers grave, his head in his knees and his back against the grave. Somone appears and taps Xiaos shoulder. Xiao looks up and sees Aether, faint and ghostly.

Ideas for animatics: Genshin Impact Where stories live. Discover now