Chunin Exam pt.2

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I do not own Naruto.

-Grey pov-

We jump into the forest quickly and on high alert. "That woman from sound was eyeing you Salem." I say to her and she nods. "Almost like a pervert." She says and shudders. We jump further into the forest and i hear a bell ringing. I stop as air hits the tree in front of me. "Well if it isn't some kids from Konoha!" A man says and i glare at him. The Sound hitai-ate shown on their heads. "Salem Uchiha. We are here for your head." He says as his teammates show up. "You want her? You'll have to kill me first!" I yell angrily.

"Zaku handle the blonde whore, Kin take the boy, and I'll kill Salem." He says. "You got it Dosu!" Kin says and they jump at us. I quickly intercepted Dosu and kicked him into a tree. "You die by my hands." I tell him angrily.

-easy fight with no major injuries-

We decided to set up camp, and Nichole made clones to guard us. "Did you mean that back there?" Salem asks and i look at her. "That if they wanted me, they would have to kill you first?" She asks and i smile behind my mask. "Yes. If anyone wants to kill either of you. Then they'll have to kill me first." I say and they smile brightly. We soon fall asleep for a big day tomorrow.

"Guys wake up!" Nichole yells shocking us. "Something is coming, and it's coming fast!" She says and we get in formation. "What a clever little fox." A woman says and walks out of the treeline. "Guys." Salem says and i growl. "Guys we can't fight her. I can already tell we are no match for her." I tell them and they nod. "Smart boy. Too bad you die here." She says and i smirk as she falls into my pit trap. I cover the surrounding area with a thick mist, grabbing my friend's hands, i quickly evacuate the premises.

We make it to the tower and into our room. "Please tell me we have both scrolls." Salem asks nervously and i pull out both scrolls. "Thankfully those sound idiots had the other scroll." I say and we open both scrolls. "Good job my cute little Genin!" Kirin saysaas she appears from the scrolls. "Sensei we have tl tell you something." I tell her. We begin to explain what happened in the forest, and much to our shock she checked our necks. She quickly tells us to rest before she sunshins away. "Thank you Grey. That quick thinking saved us." Salem says as i nod. Both girls lay their heads on my lap making me blush.


We arrive at an arena with every team that survived and passed. "Welcome to the preliminary rounds! This will be one on one fights between competitors! Please try to refrain from maiming and or killing!" The proctor says before coughing loudly. We all nod and head to the second floor.

"First up is Grey Yuuhi of Konoha, and Lin Fey of Kumo! Please come down to the stage!" He yells. "You better win." Nichole says and i smile at her. "Yes ma'am." I say and drop down to the ground. Looking up i see a blonde girl, green eyes, and fair skin. "Well aren't you handsome." She flirts and tries to show off her body. "Kill her!" I hear Salem and Nichole yell angrily making me sigh. "Sorry miss. But the Mizukage already trained me to ignore seductive acts. She says a clear mind is key in battle. She also used far sexier women than you." I tell her and everything goes quiet.

-Mei Terumi pov-

I couldn't help but to laugh loudly at my sons comment. Little does anyone know i used Anko, Kurenai, Yuugao, Kirin, and his teammates to train him. My poor son took the longest with Salem and Nichole. "Mizukage-dono. Which women did you use?" Jiraiya asks and i laugh. "Wouldn't you like to know?" I ask him and focus on Grey.

-Grey pov-

"She did what?!" I hear from the stands making me blush. "Battle one of the preliminary rounds! Hajime!" The proctor yells and jumps back. I stare at my opponent from behind my mask. She runs at me head on and raises her fist, i quickly redirect her attack much to her shock. "Are you a fan girl or something?" I ask her and she growls angrily at me. "How dare you assume I'm that weak!" She yells. "Then don't fight like one!" I yell at her. "We are here to represent our teachers, our friends, and our villages! There are too many fan girls in my graduating class! They were allowed to pass due to their smarts, and clan status. You and me aren't so different Lin Fey. I grew up not knowing who my parents were, but a wonderful woman took me in. She raised me at her young age, she taught me everything. I found out recently that i do come from a clan. But that isn't what drives me to become stronger! My drive comes from those who can't fight. Whether they have no power, no will, or no strength. I will be there to lift them up!" I yell and point at her. "What drives you Lin Fey of Kumo?!" I ask her. She looks down and smiles. "Big words there Grey Yuuhi." She says and looks at me. "If you must know. I am an orphan, was abandoned by my parents, and left to die. Samui-sensei helped me get into an orphanage, so i didn't have to fight for anything. I fight to show her that i am strong now! That her act of kindness wasn't for nothing!" She yells and i smile. "Then let us show our precious ones. Just how far we have come!" I yell and we drop into our stances.

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