Chapter 4

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Gon's POV

(A/N: Aged up characters ~18+. Also TW: Curse words, suicidal thoughts/actions, death, blood, firearms, knives, and torture/abuse, kidnapping. Side warning: Might contain yaoi.)

"Okay! We'll leave sunrise in two days." The plan was set.

"Alright! See you then, thanks Gon." Kurapika gets up and sees himself to the door. He waves and walks out. Hisoka silently goes to the door, but brushes my shoulder creepily as he passes.

"Don't get your hopes up too high, Gon. Killua seems to be pretty protected by the group." He says, not looking at me. Um. Okay, well why didn't he mention that earlier.

"B-Bye guys!" I reach my arm up and wave as they walk down the hill. They look back without stopping and smile. Okay. I have to prepare!

I twirl around inside and up the stairs, way too excited to see Killua again. It probably won't end up how I'm imagining, but whatever. I make it upstairs, and flop on my bed. Kil. How are you actually doing? Is it how we picture it, or no? Are your friends actually nice? Are they strong? But, more importantly, what did they do to make you give in to going along?


"Time to go. Bye Mito!" I almost shout, because it is still only sunrise. Hisoka and Kurapika have donned dark clothing so we can hide in the shadows. My clothes are dark-ish. We are boarding the first ferry of the day to get to the mainland.

~Timeskip (AN I'm sorry I don't really want to write just casual conversation!! :p)~

"We're here." I say, stepping off and to the side of the boat, Kurapika and Hisoka following.

"Yes. Hisoka? What's the best route to the hideout from here." Kurapika asks.

"Yes~ that's right~ I don't know if I told you where this hideout actually is." Hisoka says.

"No, you didn't. It's somewhere secluded right?" I add.

"Well, no not really. It's right near Heavens Arena, in an abandoned building nearby." Hisoka says for the first time as we walk into the city, talking quietly.

"What!? Heavens Arena!? There's so many people there! Why didn't you say anything earlier?" Kurapika exclaims and stops mid-step.

"I didn't think it was that important, and since they are in an abandoned building nearby it's not like we will have to be in the building or anything." Hisoka says, continuing walking.

"But Hisoka! I don't know, I feel like mentioning Heavens Arena is important." Kurapika says fast, seeming to start realizing it's not that big of a deal.

"I see Hisoka's point. We'll have the cover of the city buildings, and it makes sense for them to be near there, especially if they are targeting skilled Nen users." I point out, walking past Kurapika. The poor Heavens Arena people. Getting attacked.

Kurapika walks faster to catch up with us. "Hmph. Fine." He says, crossing his arms.

"Okay. This way." I turn down another street, seeing the top of Heavens Arena in the distance.

They follow, looking around and thinking in silence. I look straight ahead.

"So, you've been here before, right Gon?" Kurapika asks, wanting to make conversation.

"Yeah! With Kil-..." I trail off moving my eyes down.

"Oh! Sorry Gon. I forgot. But did you have fun?" He says trying to change the topic from Killua.

"Y-Yeah I did. I learned a lot there." My voice sounds wistful because I'm thinking about Mr. Wing and Zushi. I haven't talked to them in a while. I wonder what they're up to.

"So~ Gon, what have you been up to~" Hisoka asks after there is silence for a while.

"Umm, nothing much. Mostly just training." I say nervously, because Hisoka is always just weird like that. His voice makes you think he's about to do something.

"Okay~ although we all know you're thinking about Killua~" He says.

I blush and look forward. "I don't! I do other things too!" I deny.

"Mhm, right~"

"Don't embarrass him Hisoka! Everyone has their person!" Kurapika sticks up for me.

"Yeah, like you and Leorio! Cheesiest couple I've ever seen!" I say, making a face at Kurapika. I don't want to talk about Kil anymore. But I do think about him a lot. Oh well.

"Hey! At least I was sticking up for you! Way to throw me under the bus!" He says, losing his calm. Heehee! I know how to fluster him now. I smirk at him.

"Hmph." He turns away with a sigh again, the second time on our walk.

"Look at how close we are to Heavens Arena!" I exclaim looking up, seeing we only have about five or so more blocks to go. This could be the day. I swallow hard at the thought.

"Yeah. Hisoka, is the building near?" Kurapika asks, turning back to Hisoka.

"It's~... that one over there." Hisoka gestures towards a building with his eyes.

"Well, we should take the-" My voice is cut off as a hand covers my mouth. I feel a sharp pain in my neck before I kick back with my left leg, and twist my arms up and over the arms around me, breaking the person away. I turn around, seeing a guy about my same height with a large hood. Two more people stand in front of Kurapika and Hisoka. They surround us as we bunch closer.

"What do you want?" Kurapika asks as people give us a large wake when they walk by.

"Why do you care? You'll find out soon enough." One of them says as Kurapika's eyes glow.

I fall to the ground suddenly, pain spreading from my neck. I cover it with my hand, before collapsing fully. My eyes open and close, my vision blurring.

"Stay awake Gon! He injected something into us all..." I hear Kurapika weakly whisper as they both fall to the ground too. What is this? It's so strong...

"Haha... It worked." Another one of the guys says as he motions for his friends to get us. They pull us up and out of the street. They tape our mouths and tie our wrists behind our backs. They force our half-unconscious bodies to walk through the back streets and to the building Hisoka pointed out.

It's Kil's friends! This is not how it was supposed to go... I black out.


Part 4!!


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