Question Time

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A/N: hello, everyone. This is a bit of something I wouldn't do normally, but I guess it'll be time to try something out. So, with many of you out there who have seen and read my books, and have even included them in you reading lists, this will be a bit of a Q/A of sorts, but the answers will be of your opinion.

Without further ado, let's begin. Remember, all of these answers are based on your opinion, and I won't be biased to them. If you don't have an answer for any of the questions, I understand.


1. Which story/stories from my books have you enjoyed and why?

2. Who is your favourite character/s from these stories?

3. What parts of your favourite stories do you enjoy?

4. What's the funniest scene from these stories?

5. What was the saddest scene?

6. What moment/s do you love in any of my stories or oneshot moments?

7. Who do you think is the sexiest female character in my books?

8. Who do you think is the coolest male character in my books?

9. Who is your most hated character in my books?

10, Who's your favourite Transformer?

11. If you had the choice, what timeline would you like to go back to and why?

12. If you had the choice, what other world would you like to travel off to? And why?

13. If you have a favourite car/truck, what would it be?

14. Where would you like to go anywhere in the world? (If there was no such thing as COVID-19, might I add.)

15. If you had the power of an Avenger, which one would it be and why?

16. What's your scariest horror movie monster?

17. What do you think of the latest RWBY episodes? (If you have seen it)

18. What's your favourite anime/s?

19. Which is the most hated character out of any show that you have ever seen before, and why do you hate them?

20. What season do you prefer?

A/N: well, that's all the questions I could think of for the time being. Hope to hear your answers soon.

This has been BraedimusSupreme. Hope to hear from you soon.

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