Chapter 19

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At first, I had to think about each move I made. Each step was planned. But then it all went away. My training was right there and I no longer knew what was happening around me, just the flurry of faceless masks and the occasional glimpse of Nathan. No one in my path died. No, I wasn't born to kill, only to fight, to be a weapon.

That's all I was to them.

Newfound anger pulsed through my veins and and I surged forward.

My mind cleared and I looked around. There weren't any more Angels still standing. It didn't look like any were dead but it was hard to tell. The adrenaline wore off and exhaustion hit hard. I fell to the ground and Nathan ran to my side.

"You overdid it," he said.

I sighed. "I noticed. Want to get everyone out for me?"

"Don't need to tell me twice." He started to get up.

"I didn't tell you, I asked you."

He smirked and left to help the others out of their cells.

After a few minutes of resting, I sat up slowly. I clutched my arm, where an Angel had slashed me with a spear. I tried healing it but nothing happened.

Once Katie was free, she rushed over to me and began healing my wound. She ripped some cloth off a nearby soldier's jacket and wrapped it around my arm.

"I'll wrap that properly when we get back to the boat," she promised. She went off to help Nathan, who had a few smaller wounds.

We regrouped and began to leave. We were blocked by three warriors. Two had mechanical wings attached to their backs. The other was none other than my father.

The winged Angels: Elite Angels. They were the most pure blooded of warriors on The Victory and the fiercest, most cold-blooded warriors. They were the top in their classes at school. I, myself, was put in the course to become one but they told me I was too kind.

Their masks were the same as the regular Angels' but they wore protective yet flexible armor that was fireproof, waterproof, and tough. Their mechanical wings allowed them to jump further and change direction in midair.

The worst of the worst.

Naomi called for a charge and we charged. I saw my father slip away and I ignored the battle to follow him as more Elites joined the battle.

I found my father at the end of the hallway at a dead end. He looked at me. Behind that blank-faced mask, I knew his expression showed fear. Instead, he got into a fighting position. I summoned my daggers and he hesitated.

I knew that like him, I had to keep a calm physique. That's why they wore the expressionless masks. I didn't let any emotion show, though I was raging inside. Fury roared in my ears. His own daughter. He would do that to the young girl he raised as if I were just another bird to be hunted.

Instead, I spread my feet a little further and tightened my grip on my pitch black blades' handle, fit perfectly for my hands.

"So this is where you went," I said. "I'm disgusted. Nothing but a lowly jail guard. I thought maybe you'd resisted, died a hero. Or maybe you'd gone to The Halo and became an Angel, adored by the rest of the world. But no, you just watch the hunted fall before your feet and throw them behind bars where they can't hurt you, jingling your golden keys before their eyes." My eyes narrowed slightly. "Coward."

"Don't say that," he growled. "I'm not a coward. Your mother knew that didn't she? And your brother?"

I shook my head, my expression still blank. "They never mentioned you after you left."

"It still doesn't give you the right to call me a coward!" he yelled.

I gritted my teeth slightly. "You would rather throw away my life than lose yours. You are a coward!"

With a shout, he ran forward. I dodged his attack and suddenly, the world disappeared. Next I knew, he was on the floor under me, his mask broken in two and on the floor. Pure terror shone in his dark brown eyes.

"P-please!" he stuttered. "Don't k-kill me!"

I spoke through my teeth with a hiss. "I'm not like you." My fist connected with his jaw and he went silent. I stood and took one last look at the father I once thought was a hero.

"Jail guard?" I whispered under my breath. Then I chuckled dryly. "Filth."

Then I strode out. With a flick of my wrists, my daggers disappeared and I rejoined the group.

Found (Book 1 of the Haven's Army Trilogy) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now