Flirting appa?

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Requested by KIMPOSSIBLE0123 hope you like this one!!

Dopyo: auntie y/n Jae-ha took my toy" he complains to you

Y/n: wells lets go ask for it back ok" you take his hand and walk towards Jae-ha

Dopyo: can I have my toy back Jae-ha?

Jae-ha: no

Y/n: Jae-ha sharing is caring you can share the toy with Dopyo there is more than one

Jae-ha: hmm ok" she hands him a toy and starts to play superhero with him

Your heart warmed at this small act of kindness these sweet kids always made you day no matter what they did

Daisy: auntie y/n, gunhoo called me a bad name!!" She comes to you yelling and crying

You picked her up and wiped her tears whilst making your way to gunhoo who was reading

Y/n: gunhoo did you call daisy a bad name?

Gunhoo: she called me it first!

Daisy: no I did not

Gunhoo: yes you did!

Daisy: NO!

Gunhoo: YEAH!!

Y/n: you guys both apologize to each other now or you will go to the timeout

Daisy: I'm sorry gunhoo

Gunhoo: I'm sorry too daisy" he hugs her

You smile at your work you loved all these little guys there were you joy everyday especially little minjae who often called you mom

Time skip~~

Y/n: see you tomorrow taehee" you wave goodbye to him as he leaves with his parent

Taehee: bye auntie y/n, see you tomorrow " he hugs you and waves goodbye

You went back to clean the classroom but you noticed minjae still here playing with his toy cars

Y/n: minjae where is your father he is usually early?

Minjae: he said he was going to come late today and my uncle usually picks me up not my father" he replies and continues to play with his cars

You nod processing this and look in your game cabinet to play a few games with minjae

Y/n: do you know how to play candyland?
(A/n: I loved that game when I was a kid)

He nods and turns his attention to you beginning to play the game with you

After 50 minutes

You play the game with him before putting on Sid the science kid as he watched it happily

Y/n: minjae what type of pizza do you like?

Minjae: pepperoni pizza!" He says excitedly

Y/n: okay" you ordered pizza and start to clean the classroom as he watched tv

The delivery man knocked on the door and you got the pizza from him and placed it on the table getting a slice for minjae and placing it on a plate

He sits and eats he talks to you about his family and how he has no knowledge of his mother, his father barely acknowledges him and his uncle is the only one who cares for him

You felt bad for the kid as your ruffled his hair he hugged you

After 40 minutes

Minjae: thank you for the pizza eomma

Y/n: your welcome " you smile at him

Minjae: can I color?" He politely ask

Y/n: of course " you hand him paper and crayons

After 30 minutes

You heard someone knock at your classroom door

You opened it and a man you have never seen answered the door strangely you felt close to this man even though this was your first time every seeing him it was a weird feeling of deja vu

Minjae: appa!!" He runs to him and hugs him

Mark: hey buddy" he ruffles his hair

You continued to stare at the man in wonder and curiosity why does he seems so familiar yet unknown

Mark: excuse me miss?

Y/n: oh yes?" You blink our of your thoughts

Mark: so your his beautiful teacher

Y/n: excuse me sir, I will have you know that you are the last one to pick up your child as you can see and it is very irresponsible of you because anything could have happened to him and your child should always be your first priority it doesn't make any sense why you picked him up 10:00 at night" you start to scold him

He starts to laugh at you and you raise an eyebrow at him trying to understand why he is laughing

Mark: do you know your really cute when your mad?

Y/n: sir that is very inappropriate for you to say to your son's teacher and I am very uncomfortable with you saying that" you tell him in a strict voice

Mark: the name is Mark lee baby

Y/n: Listen Mr. Lee your presence is making me uncomfortable so I am kindly asking you to leave also your son is probably tired and I still need to clean and lock up my classroom" you open your door for him leading him out

He winks at you one last time before walking out

Minjae: bye eomma" he hugs you and runs to catch up with his father who left without him

(A/n: hope you liked it marshmallows!!)

(A/n: hope you liked it marshmallows!!)

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