My True Love!

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Today is the day!' I think to myself as I drive to Best Buy. 'Today is the day I finally get this so called smartphone. If it's any good, I might get a...Laeptup? Laptup? Whatever it's called. An even bigger smart device.' I turn the corner and I can see the yellow sign from here. I'm nervous, I've heard mixed reviews on this thing. It can be good, but this "Social Media" can be frightening. There's a thing called Cancel Culture, so if I do make an account on a media platform I should be careful. I shake away the fear as I find a park and turn off my car. 'I'm so excited!' I mentally prepare myself as I step out of the car and head to the doors. I pushed them open, and the sight before me was glorious. 'Wow...Everything is so shiny.' This place was filled with all sorts of devices! They look amazing, but what am I supposed to get? Confused, I walk up to an employee to see his opinion. Seeing me approach, he instantly puts on a smile.
"Hi, how may I help you?" I begin to feel hesitant, but I speak as if all I need is advice on what to get.
"Hi, I was just wondering if you could help make a suggestion?" He nods with a quick "Of course." We walk, and he starts asking some questions.
"So, what type of device are you looking for?" 'There's more than one?! I thought they were all smartphones..'
"Uh, just a big seller in smartphones."
"Alright. What are you more interested in? Android? Apple?"
'Oh no, it's named after a fruit! Okay stay calm, just choose the fruit device.'
"A-apple sounds nice."
He points to an "Iphone 12", but there were a few versions that caught my eye. One was a mini while the other was a pro max. The cameras were a mystery to me, but I decided to just buy the pro max. I don't know what GB is, so I bought the highest amount possible. I finish checking out and get in my car. 'Well, there goes $1300 out of my pocket. I hope it's worth it.' I make my way home after that.
I arrive at my place and dash upstairs after locking the door. This was the moment you had been waiting for. It had been dreadful waiting all this time, but there was nothing to wait on now.
Without hesitation I take the box out of the bag and admire the size and looks. I grinned and took the phone out of the box. "Oh wow...It looks better in person!" I try to turn on the phone but ended up holding the volume for 10 minutes. I realized there was another button, so I held that instead. The screen lit up, and an apple with a big chunk bitten from it appeared. 'Will this perform like an apple? I don't know how that would work, but I hope not.' After a bit of waiting I was presented with a nice "Hello" on the screen. Confused, I head to my neighbor's house and ask them for help. They were kind enough to set up the whole phone for me and even let me use their "Internet" until mine came to be set up. When I first looked at my home screen, the first thing that caught my eye was something called Safari. I click it thinking it had something to do with a park. Instead there was a bar at the top of the screen. I was even more confused. Didn't it just say Safari? Whatever, this whole thing is so confusing. I click the bar, and letters appear at the bottom of the screen. I scan through them, the third letter catching my eye. "E? E...." The letter was glorious. So glorious that I had searched it in the bar and clicked images. It was wonderful. I spent the next two hours looking at all of the E's on my screen. By the time I looked outside it was night time. I was beginning to get very tired, but I couldn't let go of the beautiful letter. So, before I went to bed, I began chanting the letter over and over again.
The next day I woke up, looked at my phone, and went straight to Safari to look at the letter E again. But something strange happened. When I clicked the search bar, my keyboard was filled with my dream letter. "This must be a sign...But what does this mean?" I mumble to myself as I gaze upon the glory. The solution then clicked; It was just fate. Me and E were just meant to be together and it was showing me that. I blush at the thought. It hasn't even been a full day and I was in love. After thinking about my future with E, my phone zapped. "Wha?!-" My phone started to speak, but it was only in E's. I was shocked, but I responded back In E's. We held a full conversation that lasted for days, soon forgetting how to speak English. It didn't matter though; I was with the thing I loved most.
It had been a little over a year now, and my relationship with E had become deeper than ever before. I had fully stopped speaking in anything other than E. I also stopped eating anything other than products that began with E. We even thought about children! But sadly, my neighbor tried to split us apart. He called the police saying that I haven't been out of the house and that he was "worried." Before the police came back, I ran away and moved to an abandoned shack in the middle of nowhere. Luckily it was near a tower, and my phone still had some service for the moment. Nothing was going to separate our love again, and if something happens, E told me personally that he was going to deal with them. For now, no one knows where I am, and I'll keep it that way.

This was really crazy to write and of course I finished this at night.

lmk if u want sMuT 😏

E x Human!Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن