🖋Chapter 17- A Cursed Soul🖋

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     Kyo walked slowly through the final island. She could feel the extra weight of the hamsters in her hood. The short girl found that they preferred that, she guessed it was because it was the closest they could get to what conditions they'd had with Tanaka, making their home in his scarf. The poet had briefly thought of finding one to use, but she'd banished the idea when they'd begun their home within her hood. Her gray gaze trailed over the ghost town decorations. She was aware that the group would likely be questioning where she was, but right now she didn't much care. The fuschia-haired girl had just wanted to think to herself about what Komaeda had seen in the Final Dead Room.

     Her steps were on autopilot, her head giving no direction. The thoughts of her mind tumbled into each other as she tried to find out what had happened. As she felt her satchel bump against her leg she thought of something. The white-haired boy had lied about the Hope's Peak file he'd received. Though Kyo hadn't checked the file, she was certain it wouldn't hold only information on Hinata. For a moment her thought lingered on reading it. Then her thoughts were broken when she collided with something solid. She backed up, forcing herself not to do it too quickly as to not disturb the furry creatures curled up in her hood.

    "Ah. Sorry Komaeda," she said, noting the tall stature of the person she'd bumped into.

    "Aika what are you doing here?" he asked, tone flat.

    "I was just coming to think. What are you doing here?" she returned.

    "I was looking for someone," Komaeda said. "I thought they'd have arrived but I guess I was wrong."

   "Can I ask who?" Kyo inquired with a slight head tilt, cautiously moved as to not move her hood too much.

   "I might answer that later," Komaeda responded.

    "Can I ask one more thing?"


    "What did you see?" Kyo asked. "Something happened, I just know it. You found something out and it switched something in your mind. I refuse to believe that you'd go back on what you've said and felt without good reason."

    "Let's just say the truth can be painful to know," Komaeda said.

    "I guess that I should let you continue your search then," Kyo said.

    "Ah, one more thing. If you see Monokuma tell him he doesn't need to provide a motive. I'm going to go all out! I'll weed out the traitor no matter what."

    Kyo wasn't sure what to say. It certainly sounded like he planned to kill someone. If she had to guess, she'd say the traitor. Her gaze followed him as he headed off, standing in her spot with nothing but uncertainty in her thoughts. Something about her theory of Komaeda's intended target seemed off though. She wasn't sure what it was, but she guessed it was just a feeling. The short girl shook her head.

     'Just... think on it. That's the whole reason you're taking this walk anyways, right?'

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    "And of course the main topic is about our plan to capture Komaeda."

    Those were the first words Kyo caught as she slowly made her way into the restaurant. Question lit in her mind. The day before she'd taken measures to remain away from everyone else to have time to think. Now, she just wondered what was going on.

    "Why is that even on the table right now?" Kyo questioned Soda as she made her way over to one of the tables.

    "He's planning to kill someone!" Soda exclaimed. "Which I guess is something you wouldn't know since-"

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