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It's been pretty long since I seen my co stars but Emma agreed to come today to my house

so I had to clean my room so she won't think I'm messy even tho I am a boy and most of them are messy as hell

I kinda grew some muscle over the summer which was good, me and Lily grew closer with each other she would sometimes act pretty weird but I didn't put that much attention to it

After I finished I heard a knock on my door I opened it and saw Emma and she lunged forward hugging me tightly which made me fall down

When she pulled away our lips were only inches away from each other we were blushing then I heard my sister scream


We both stood up

"Sorry that's my sister"I apologized

"It's okay"she said I quickly went to my sisters room

"What do you want I have someone over"I said

She looked at me in shock

"You have friends?"

I rolled my eyes and went back to my room. I saw Emma sitting on my bed

"Sorry she can be very annoying sometimes"I said she slightly laughed

"It's fine"she said smiling at me

"Anyway Wanna watch a movie"I said she nodded

I payed on my bed while she just sat there

"You can lay here next to me if you want"

She took off her shoes and sat down next to me
She put her head in my shoulder, while my arms were around her shoulder

We sat there and watched Harry Potter the 1st and 2nd movie she soon fell asleep I decided to lay here in bed the I went out the window and climbed down the latter I had and went put in near Lily's window I climbed up and she opened the Window

I went and inside

"How did you know I was coming"I asked

"I saw you anyway here to annoy me?"she asked

"No thought I could come over Emma sleeping in my bed"I said

"Oh.... her"she said her mood suddenly changing

"Yeah? You have a problem with her?"i asked

"What no no no why would you ask that and what is she doing in your bed?"she said changing the subject

"Umm we were watching a movie?"I said

"Okay good I thought you were doing something else"she said then I widen my eyes

"What? don't be disgusting Lily"I said throwing a pillow at her she laughed at me

"I'm just kidding Y/N"she said giggling

"Well I'm going to go see ya"I said leaving

"Bye..." was all she said

I went back to my room to see Emma awake

"Hello"I said she jumped

" Jesus Y/N you scared me"she said holding her chest

I laughed"not my fault you feel asleep"

She scoffed"shut up"

I went over to here I sat next to her

"So what do you wanna do now?"I asked her

"Maybe go outside"she said

"Alright let's go"I said grabbing her hand and leading her to the backyard

When we got there I looked at the water hose and I smirked

I started walking towards it and grabbed it when Emma looked at me she gave a 'no' look

"Y/N if you do-"before she can talk I sprayed water on her she started to scream a bit

She ran away from me until I tackled her to the ground  I was in top of her now

"Wow you suck at running"I said she scoffed

"Shut up Y/N I'm going to kill you"

"Sure you will"I said getting off her

"I don't have anymore clothes Y/N" she said

"Go back to my room and I will get you some clothes"I said

She nodded and went back to my room

I went over to Lily's house this time I went to to the door because I wanted to surprise her

I opened the door and threw myself on her bed

"Well that's a surprise"she said

"Yeah no shit"we both laughed

"Anyway can I borrow your clothes?"I asked she looked at me confused

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"Anyway can I borrow your clothes?"I asked she looked at me confused

"What?"was all she said

"For Emma I sprayed her with water and she doesn't have any clothes"I said

"Fine"she huffed like she was annoyed

"Um you know what I'll go buy some"I said

"Wait here just take them to her tell her she can keep them"she said walking back to her chair

"Are you sure?"i asked she nodded

"Thanks your the best"I said I put the window

Going back to my room I saw Emma standing there

"Here are some clothes"I said giving it to her

"Thanks"she said as she went to the bathroom and got changed

I decided to annoy Lily a little more so I made a paper ball I threw it inside her room from the window

She stood and looked at me and grabbed the paper ball and threw it back at me I flipped her off before she could say something I looked over her window with her mouth wide open I laughed

The Emma came out of the bathroom

"Well I guess it looks good right?"she asked I nodded then we just watched a movie together while our hands were holding

I maybe fall in love......

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