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A/n:Hey guys heres chapter two! I dont own Fairy Tail

Lucy's POV:

Here we are again. Like every other day at the guild, Natsu and Gray just had to start a brawl, destroying a good portion of the guild hall in only a matter of minutes. I, on the other hand am sitting with Wendy talking about the newest fashion trends and her most recent mission, while Happy is lecturing Carla about the different kinds of fish he's eaten over the loud roars and battle cries of our fellow guild mates. As the night continues on and the fight too, Wendy decides it is time for her to head home. While watching her pick up Carla and leave through the large guild doors I start to think about how glad I am that she came to the guild, because now I have at least one sane person to talk to during these brawls. Not too long after Wendy leavs I see the Thunder Legion walking to the doors of the guild. I almost forgot that they were part of the guild, not because I ignore them but because now that Laxus has been exiled they haven't been around as much. Truthfully I don't mind them. Most people are afaid or avoid them after what they did to the guild during the Thunder palace "incident" but I forgave them, especially Bickslow. Not only because he is the one that actually tried hurt/kill me but also cause of the fact that I have taken a small, teeny, tiny liking to him. After I defeated him (which I am very proud of) I suddenly felt this weird feeling just thinking about him. Most girls might be weirded out by his tattoo or his figure eyes but I find them quite charming. I couldn't help but admire and stare at his broad shoulders, toned muscles, and amazing facial structure as he and his teamed walked to the doors dodging people and objects on the way. 'I wonder if he could feel the same way about me.' I think sadly knowing it'll never happen.

3rd person POV:

After the Thuner Legion walks out of the guild Lucy goes over to the bar to get a strawberry milkshake from Mira. Just as she sits down and Mira is walking up to her master bursts through his office door becoming huge and standing over the guild.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU BRATS DOING!?!?!?! YOU DEMOLISHED THE GUILD HALL AND YOU WILL CLEAN IT ALL UP NOW!!! I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOURSELVES!!!" then he becomes small again and storms back to his office mumbling something about his stupid reckless children and troublesome paperwork.

When master is back in his office and the guild members start cleaning up Mira turns her attention back to Lucy and asks "What can I get for you Lucy?"

"A strawberry milkshake please."

"Be right up!" Mira says in a bright tone and walks away. About three minutes later Mira comes back Lucy's milkshake in hand. Mira put the drink in front of her but stays hoping to have a conversaton with the blonde girl, but is surprised when Lucy gulps down the drink, not even caring to savor the taste like she usually does.

"Gosh Lucy!" Mira exclaims

"What?" Lucy askes innocently

"You drank that down like you were having a drinking contest with Cana, and winning!"

"WHAT?! No one beats me the all powerfull Cana at a drinking contest! Even in metaphors!" Cana yells from her seat a couple stools down from Lucy's which causes both girls to giggle.

"Oh well I'm just excited to get home tonight because I'm almost finished with a new chapter of the book I'm writing and I really can't wait for Levy to go over."

"Oh well that makes sense... okay well see you tomorrow Lucy!" Mira smiles cheekily

"Goodnight Mira! Oh and if Natsu ever finishes cleaning and getting scolded by Erza tell him to look for a job to go on for tomorrow will ya?"

"Ya sure thing." and with that Lucy left the guild with a short wave in Mira's direction

Time skip~ At Lucy's apartment:

Lucy walks through the door of her small tidy apartment about six miutes after she'd left the guild because she ran all the way there. When she walked in she immediately went to the writing desk beside her bed. She opened the drawer that held the book and got out her pencil to write with. Ten minutes after she started writing she stopped having heard a loud crashing sound. She figured it was just Natsu and Happy who had found a job so she decided to go see what he found. When she walked into her livingroom it was an understatement to say she was confused, scared, and surprised. There in the middle of her living room stood three tall cloaked figures around the same size all with their heads down. 'You'd think guys in cloaks would be stealthier, they broke my vase...' Lucy mentally noted. Then scolded herself for not thinking of the situation at hand.

"Miss Heartfillia you will be coming with us." The middle one said in a low dark voice that made goosebumps appear over her whole body.

"Uh, like hell I am! I dont know you and I'm not going to stay to find out who you are and what you want with me. And if that isn't enough you broke my favorite vase!" and with that she ran to the door that was directly behind her and opened it but as soon as she opened it it swung closed on its own and then she felt herself being pulled backwards by a seemingly invisible force.

"What the?"

"This could have been easy but we had a feeling that you might run so we were prepared to use means of force. Sorry you decided not to cooperate Miss Heartfillia." Lucy felt a terrible sharp pain at the back of her head. She wanted to cry out but that was a sign of weakness so she didn't. She just let out a rough grunt and flopped forwards as everything went black.

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