Chapter 5

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Deshae's POV

When the bold girl passed out into my arms, I held a sort of strange respect for this woman, who stood up to me unafraid.

Anthony and I had put them to bed in a room who I'm assuming is one of theirs and talked together for a while about how King hadn't given them any punishment for misbehaving. It was really odd but I brushed it off.

'Unless she could be his daughter'... no it was impossible. It just couldn't be. Collapsing into bed I fell asleep into a dreamless slumber with a certain woman on my mind.

Diamonds POV

My head was throbbing painfully as I awoke to blinding lights. "Ahhh turn off the lights," I rasped out and luckily someone quickly shut the curtains. Blinking rapidly to focus my sight, I noticed that I was on Sapphire's bed with with a clubbing dress on.

What the hell happened last night.

"Sapph...Saphhhh...bitch wake up!" I said shoving her off the bed.

"Huh?" She looked around probably really confused on what was going on.

"Do you remember what happened last night cos I don't,"

"Nahh the last thing I remember is us going to the club."

Hearing someone chuckle behind us we turned to see my dad laughing at us. Finally calming down he asked, "So you really don't know what happened last night?" Confused, we shook our heads.

"Guess today's gonna be a fun one," he said while still chuckling.

"Dad can you please just tell us," Sapph pleaded him.

"Nope this is your own fault, you'll see." And with that he walked out the room like he didn't just completely leave us hanging.

Grumbling we both got out of bed and went to freshen up before going downstairs to face whatever dad didn't want to tell us about.

"Ready?" I turned to Sapph.

"Ready." She confirmed.

We started to confidently walk towards the main room but then suddenly a wave of pain struck us. "Shiii I forgot we're hungover" I groaned.


Clutching our heads we dragged ourselves into the room where loads of eyes were on us. Seeing our state everyone started snickering at us as this was a common occurrence for them.

Sapphire glared at everybody and went to grab of couple painkillers for the both of us. Slumping down into my seat next to Sapph's, I eyed everyone on the table and snapped. "The fuck you looking at? Acting like you ain't never seen a hungover person before huh?"

Almost instantly everyone went back to eating but I could still hear the faint snickering . I didn't really mind it though because we're all close so it didn't really matter. I was just bare irritated and they knew that and didn't take offence.

I looked up and saw a familiar face sitting near the head of the table. But I couldn't remember where I'd seen him before, and the person next to him. Sapph returned with the painkillers and sat down next to me. "Wait hold on a second what took you so long? You took like a whole century just to get back!"

"Don't ask questions trust, you don't wanna know"

"Alright then" I laughed.

A couple minutes later when we'd grabbed the food we wanted and started eating it, my dad came down the stairs. "Morning everybody" he said and everybody said it returned the greeting. My dad was a respected leader, who I aspired to be one day. "Morning princess, morning Sapph" he smiled, while kissing our heads.

We muttered it back to him. I was still mad he didn't wanna tell us what happened last night. "I see you're still mad." he read our thoughts, "Anyways you look bad, looking like you just got hit by a truck" he said laughing like it was the funniest joke of the year.

"Ha. Ha. Ha" I scowled back at him. "Whatever, you're annoying." Rolling my eyes at him and went back to my food.

"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT?!" some crusty guy shouted. I realised that this was the guy who was sitting next to the other guy with the familiar face. I gave him a look that said 'bro, you dumb or what?'

Elbowing the other guy ,"What he meant was how come you can speak so freely to your boss and not get in trouble?" The familiar guy said.

Dad started laughing to himself like there was a inside joke only he knew about. There probably was but we move. "Oh it's simple really, they're my daughters."

"WAIT WAIT WAIT WHAT?!" ,familiar guy said then glanced back and forth between me, Sapph and dad.

Deciding it was time to stop this madness, I cut into his clownery act, "And who the fuck are you?"

Dad burst out laughing but me and Sapph were still confused. Like who was this brother?

"Ohhhhh lord! You guys are too funny. Got me slapping my knees and shit! He's...hold on hold on wait..AHAHAAHHAH..ok he's the-PLEASEE AHAAHAA wait ok he's the Italian Mafia Don Deshae Deluca! ANAHHAAHAJAHA!"

"..... You got me fucked up!"

Shiiiiiit I done messed up.

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