A Night with the Morrigan

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It was not quite dawn, the beginning rays of sun peaking over the illyrian mountains. Emerie waited contentedly for the high lord to winnow her to the training arena at the House of Wind. She relished in the solitude of the early morning; it was the perfect time to practice her Valkyrie techniques in meditation.

A slight breeze stirred her hair as she sensed a presence behind her. She turned and her heart stuttered when she beheld the gold of the sunrise- not in the sky, but in long locks of softly curling waves. The brilliant red of full lips mirrored the vibrant corona of red-hued sunrays on the backdrop of wafting clouds.

"Hey Emerie", she said, those lush lips parting into a wide, amused smile.

Gods. Those lips.

"Morrigan." Emerie breathed.

"So this is your shop? Cassian mentioned you ran your own place here." Mor frowned slightly at the notion. It was no secret that Mor despised the illyrian brutes and their backwards ways.

Emerie straightened. "It was my father's shop, but I took ownership of it after he died in battle. But... as much as it aggravates the males in my extended family- and as much as I enjoy their aggravation- I've been thinking I might sell and get the hell out of this place."

Mor nodded approvingly. "I feel something of the same towards the wretched city I came from... and the wretched fae who occupy it too." She paused, as if mulling over the wisdom of her next sentence. "If you'd like to see the beauty and nightlife of Velaris, I'd love to take you out." Her lips curled into a half smile, eyes twinkling with mischief. "You can get an idea of what the people are like... see if it might be somewhere you'd like to live."

Emerie chewed her lip nervously. She had already decided that a night out on the town was something she was ready for- something she'd thought she would agree to the next time Nesta tried to coax her out of her mountain hideaway. She hadn't expected her first time to be with Morrigan, but she'd be damned to turn down an invitation from the most beautiful female she'd ever laid eyes on.

She straightened her spine, tucked her wings in tight and returned Mor's smile with a tentative one of her own. "I think I'd like that."

Mor sauntered over to Emerie, hips swaying in the short, fitted sweater dress that clung to her curves and left little to the imagination. Emerie scented lilac and vanilla as she approached, mixed with something huskier. Something that made her stomach drop and her toes tingle.

Gods. Get yourself together! You've barely spoken to her, you don't need her scenting the arousal threatening to dampen your panties.

"Are you ready?" Mor said softly, sliding her hand into Emerie's.

Emerie barely restrained her shudder as she threaded her fingers into Mor's strong, steady hand and met her eyes. They stared at each other for several heartbeats; a question lay between them. An unspoken question that they answered with eyes and body language alone. A stilt in the breath. A step closer, sharing each other's space. A tingling sensation as Mor laced her other hand into Emerie's as well.

Mor's rich brown eyes lowered to Emerie's mouth before she seemed to remember herself. She winked at Emerie and the world vanished as they hurled through time and space to an upper balcony at the House of Wind.

Mor released Emerie's hands slowly, dragging her thumbs across the back of Emerie's fingers. "Tonight. Come out with me tonight."

Emerie sucked in a sharp breath, redness flooding her cheeks. "Oh gods, I don't know. I doubt I own anything fancy enough to wear out in the city. And my store..."

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