Chapter 1

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    Hi I'm Atlanta

      I was walking home from school with a bloody nose and a few bruises from a fight that bully's started. When I walked in my house my mom, being the typical softie she is, came running to me with some tissue to clean my face and an ice pack. Then my buff dad came in the room and said "What the hell happened?". "Some bitches started a fight with my friend so I tackled her." My mom was looking at me like I was insane. My dad was looking a little impressed but straightened his look when my mother looked at him. He asked "Who won?" "Thomas!" She yelled. "what?" He said innocently. "Me" I said with a no modesty. He just laughed and said "That's my  girl!" I just laughed with him as my mom rolled her eyes while smiling.

(Meanwhile, It's near Halloween, so Halloween's POV)

  I was waiting exitedly for MY time to shine, everybody else but Christmas has had time for their holiday and I've been bored. "I'm so bored right now" I complained. "ugh we know Halloween, you've only been complaining for hours now." said Christmas. "I'm only saying what I'm thinking." I replied  "Well It's annoying." said a squeaky voice that belonged to Easter. "Oh be quiet pip squeak" I retorted "hey!" she yelled offended. "Calm down everyone" N.Y.(new years) said. "Make me.. BITCH. " I knew I made a mistake cause the next thing I know I'm on the floor in a straight jacket and and apple in my mouth.

(lol I'm lacking inspiration so I'll end it here, bye my lovlees!)

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