Chapter four

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I'm sorry for not updating sooner. I had a hard time trying to collect my thoughts to create this chapter. Happy Valentine's Day, I hope this chapter is satisfying. Enjoy and please vote if you like it. <3

It do not take long and the pack house comes into view. Many of the other pack were waiting for us the children flocked around us, Curiosity rolled off them in waves. Many of the children watch as I land; flying for so long has tired me out, but soon maybe I can fly longer " that's right Adia the more you use our wings the more strength we gain. It might not be as strong as when we meet our mate but it's still better than nothing" Dusk said. My wings folded neatly behind my back making a feather like cape behind me.

While everyone settled in to bed all exhausted from the long trip I found a nice perch on the rooftop that was sheltered from the elements. Settling down my wings folded around me enveloping me in immediate warmth. Tomorrow we would be training for the battle that would eventually take place no mater how anyone here felt.

I was flying, out of no where an arrow flew up impaling my wing. Pain fogged my bran and I fell from the sky, crashing into the trees below. My pack.... My pack? Was dying I had to get to them before.....

BOOM! Thunder jolted me awake. The rain was coming down hard, it was hardly past 2am. Sitting down on the edge of the roof I stared off into the woods, into the darkness. The rai. Finally let off and I allowed sleep to take me once more...

I was warm extremely warm when I woke up, the sun was streaming in on my wings heating me up. The pack was out making a new effort in defending themselves before the next rouge attack.

Abby and another little girl were playing under a tree, Abby saw me watching her "Adia" she screams waving like a mad woman at me "come here I want you to meet my friend!" I smile "coming Abby honey" I called. Stretching my wings out i gracefully floating down, as soon as my feet touch the ground Abby tackles me to the ground with a huge smile plastered on her face. I got up with Abby in my arms but gently set her down. " Adia this is my new friend Laura, she it the alphas little sister"

Abby gushed out pointing at the other little girl who was shyly looking at me. Laura skipped up with a look of determination "hi I'm Laura and I'm eight years old.... I love your beautiful wings" Laura gushed out with a slight blush set on her face. I couldn't help but smile before I could say anything Laura jumped in my arms hugging me tightly "will you play with us?" Laura whispered "the other older girls told us to stop being a pain and leave them alone cause they don't have time for us" Laura said with a small pout on her face. I couldn't stop myself from kissing her on the nose " of corse Laura honey I'll never neglect you girls, what would you like to play?" Laura started to answer but howls cut her short turning her happy smile into one of horror. Rouges were here my eyes widen as a large rouge came at us, instinctively I pushed both Abby and Laura behind me "run to the house girls" I screamed as the rouge lunges at us teeth flashing and pain beyond comprehension overwhelmed my senses but my dragon Dusk cut off my pain receptors and I quickly grab the rouges head that now was trying to rip my arm off at the shoulder. Breaking its lower jaw before I rip it's head away snapping it neck, the rouges body falls to the ground without casting a single glance at the body I flap my wings and suddenly I was in front of another rouge who was trying to rip a pregnant woman apart. Snarling; all three of us wanting blood; I snap the rouges neck and tossed it away from the women who scrambled towards the house.

I have never felt such rage that made me see red many rouges fell at my hands and the rest ran away in fear of the bloody mess with wings that I was. My wounds were great but with my pain receptors off I could not feel my strength fading.

A man I have never seen ran at me and I put myself between him and the house where Abby and Laura were hiding, protecting them meant more to me than my fading life. The man stops before me his hand moving ever so slowly before stroking my cheek sparks erupted and Dawn and Dusk screamed MATE before darkness claimed me.

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