Chapter 1 The Leader's visit part one

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For most of my childhood I was a lonely only child. I enjoyed it. Then my parents decided to have another child, my little brother. They admired him because he was a boy and was going to carry on the family name. That angered me, so I killed him. Yes my parents were mad at me for killing him but what could they do? They couldn't bring him back. They were stuck with me.

When I was sixteen my parents married me off to some other vampire from a wealthy family, happy to be rid of me. This angered me so I killed them as well as my new husband. And so I began my empty life full of loneliness and boredom.

"Tighter!" I growled at one of my maids "Make the dress tighter!"

"Yes Miss Ayers," She answered tightening the dress.

Our leader, the leader of the vampires was meeting me today. He probably noticed how dangerous I was and wants me to join his war. His war is all about turning this world into his perfect vampire world. Which means getting all vampires to work together to enslave the humans by putting them into farms and farming them for their blood also he needs to eliminate all threats that would want to protect the humans like demigods, werewolves, people with weird genetic mutations that give them powers and the list goes on. Now a world ruled by vampires does sound fun however I do not want to be working with other vampires. So I'll let those mortals run their petty world and I'll take what I want.

I looked in the mirror and of course I saw no reflection. I am a vampire, I have no soul. Why there is a mirror in my dressing room is beyond me. Instead I looked down at my dress. It was black like someone had woven it from darkness, just the way I like it.

The maid ran a comb through my long black hair with red streaks through it. My eyes are a ruby red and my skin as pale as snow. Yes I do look like a typical vampire. My parents said I should try and look more 'human' to hide the fact I was a vampire but black and red suits me. It helps me blend into the darkness that surrounds me.

"I am done now Miss," the maid said interrupting my thoughts.

"Yes now just go away," I growled at her. She bowed to me and quickly walked away. My sense of smell isn't that great but there is something I can smell that humans can't. Fear. The smell of it excites me and makes me thirsty. I could smell a lot of fear coming from that maid. She fears me and rightly so. I should be feared because if I find you slightly annoying I may kill you. Lucky for her she is useful to me.

I walked out of the dressing room and down the gloomy hall. My manor does have windows but I make the servants close the curtains in case of any light coming in. I looked over at the old clock, it was seven thirty, the leader would be here soon. I sighed I would much prefer to be alone but unfortunately people keep wanting to come see me. Sometimes I don't even know what for, it's as if they are testing my patience, seeing how far they can  push me. I can tell them that they are playing a dangerous game there. It does not take a lot to make me snap. I am not a vampire that likes to be messed with.

I sat in a chair by the window. I opened the curtains slightly and hissed at the pink and orange rays of light that poured in. Colours piss me off. The brighter ones do anyway. I looked down into the garden. The leader still wasn't here. I looked back at the clock. He's late. The leader is one of the small few vampires that are stronger than me and I fear. He annoys me though, I want nothing more than to rip his head off. I really do not want to side with him but I am afraid he will give me no choice.

In the distance I saw a carriage coming towards the manor. No that must be him. I groaned out loud. Why can't he just not come here. I don't want to join his stupid war!

The carriage stopped at the front of my manor. The driver got up and opened the door. The leader and some other strong looking vampires exited it. I watched them walk up the stairs of my manor wishing he would turn away and leave me alone.

I closed the curtain and used my fingers to massage my forehead. I'm going to have to talk to him aren't I?

"Miss, the leader is waiting for you," my survant told me.

"Good," I spat and stood up. I'd make him wait hundreds of years if I could. I walked down the hall towards the staircase. What kind of a name is 'the leader' anyway? It's so stupid. Is it really that hard to tell people your name? I know I don't tell many people my name. That's only because I don't talk to many people.

I came down the stairs and saw the leader standing there. The vampires that came with him look like body guards. I could never have a body guard following me around. Even the thought of it makes me feel sick.

He saw me coming down the stairs and smiled "Victoria, you look beautiful."

I gave him a cold look "Valentina."

"Oh yes that," he said not really caring.

This is going to be a long night.

Meow mina

Tell me if you want more and I shall put more up also tell me if you like it. It's a little gloomy

Meow for now

The Boring and Uneventful Life of Valentina AyersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora