Chapter 3

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We had two more weeks before returning to school and it appeared that Trinity's mother had to travel outside for a period of time and didn't know when she'd come back.

So she asked my mom if Trinity could stay with us till she came back and my mom said there was no problem with it.

Trinity came the day before her mum left to get used to her new home.

" Welcome dear. Remember this is now your home too so don't feel shy to ask for anything" my mom said to Trinity but she nodded and said ," Thanks very much for the warm welcome"

Carla showed Trinity to her room and helped her unpack her stuff.

They had become very close, some might even say best friends.

There wasn't a single day I didn't see those girls not gossip about me or making fun of what I do.

Two days before returning to school, my dad asked us if we needed anything new like a bag or shoe.

Trinity and Carla asked if they could get matching hoodies to look like twins and I asked for a gamepad since my old one was broken.

My dad denied me of my request but accepted the girl's own.

They laughed very hardly and my father explained, " You need to take your books more serious but when you are done with school, I'll buy it."

The days just went fast and we were back in school on Tuesday. "New semester, new class, new teachers and yet still more trouble, more parties and more stress. Freshman year was over for me ." I thought and smiled but my day was ruined upon seeing Laura.

I felt angrier than I've ever felt. She would not have seen me but Trinity called her.

She walked over to us, hugged Trini and said, " I need to talk to you. Derreck you too." and she walked away.

Trinity and Carla were invited to Hawkins hall. Zoe (richest kid on school) threw a welcome back party for her girls and for all the new girls whilst Aaron had a brochella at his hall.

Trinity texted me photos of her and the other girls and later told me to meet her at her hall.

Waiting for me at her hall was Trinity sitting beside Laura. " What's going on? Why'd you call me here? What's she doing here?" I asked Trinity and Laura continued " I'm sorry. I know what I did was wrong and I should not have told Trinity false things"

"What are you talking about?"

"Remember when we were six. At my birthday party, when it was time for the picture and you and Hillary run away from the party, I was jealous cause I had a crush on you but it seemed like you didn't and I swore to never speak to you again" Laura narrated.

" Wait, so that's why you were angry. I never liked Hillary though she was forcing herself on me. I actually liked you then but you never spoke to me and all that feelings I had for you disappeared."

"Trinity, I'm also sorry about what I was doing to you. It started off well but the days kept going and I realized what I did was wrong. I should not have tried to use you for my own selfish reasons. Please forgive me" Laura said to Trinity.
~Sorry I kept you guys waiting but will Trinity forgive Laura or not. Keep reading to find out 💖💖~

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