Chasing the Miracle

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Do you believe in miracles?  Do you need one?  Are you chasing after it?  When a need arises it is easy to center on it and give it first place.  No matter what type a miracle a person has need of, the harder he chases after it, the farther away it may get.  Why?  Because he is chasing the wrong thing.

The moment a thing has preeminence in our life, it is the moment when it becomes an idol.  It is easy to believe a miracle can solve our problem; however, that is not the case.  It is God Who solves our problems and He may use miracles to do it.  Nevertheless, until He gets first place in our life, we may not see the desired results.

Has it occurred to any of us that the reason we don’t see as many miracles in our lives is because we may be chasing them instead of God?  Perhaps, we overlook miracles because we don’t recognize them.  If you “need a miracle,” stop chasing it.  How do you know what you have need of, if you do not even know the heart of God in the matter?  Jesus told us that the Father know what we have need of before we ask (see Matthew 6:8).  Indeed, He emphatically knows.  The question is, do we really know what we have need of?

Sometimes we want our problems to be solved instantaneously, hence, “I need a miracle.”  What if the problem is not the problem?  What if the miracle comes, but the same problem returns next week?  Perhaps, the issue is inside and not something from the outside.  Maybe the problems a symptom that needs addressing.  Instead of giving us what we want, the Lord sometimes allows us to go through something in order to get to the heart of the matter.  It is amusing to say that He is God, yet tell Him what we want.

If you need a miracle, will you have peace once you have it?  If you require one before you have peace, then a miracle is not what you need. 

God is our Peace and He provided the Miracle in order for us to have Him.  When we are centered on God, then we’re in a position for a miracle.  Think about it.  Jesus said signs and wonders would follow those who believe (see Mark 16:15-18).  If a person is chasing after a miracle,  perhaps he is running in fear instead of walking by faith.  Faith says, “God is, and He is a Rewarder of them that diligently seek Him” (see Hebrews 11:6).  The Lord also said, “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).  In verse 34, He essentially says, “Don’t worry about it.”

We do not seek God to get things (whatever “things” mean to us); we seek Him for Him alone.  Because He is our loving Father, He will make the provision for what we need.  It is the result of the relationship.  Honestly, our need is intimacy with Him.  When we are intimate with God, He is able to speak to our heart and we are able to ask according to His will and see the right results.  What is a miracle anyway?

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