Chapter 2: Welcome to Gordan

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A rusty smelling breeze woke me from my restless slumber. Broken springs probed my back. I rolled over and stared into the open air through missing shards in the cracked window, letting cold wind in. I pulled my ragged blankets tighter. No use, it's too warn, it's too small. In this place, I can't get warmth. Not physically, nor mentally.

Shivering, I sat up, exhausted. Mom stirred next to me, causing the springs the squeak.

A mouse skittered across the plywood as I searched for something to wear in the pile of wornout clothes. Cars honked and revved outside, seeming louder, almost like they were inside. I hate the city.

"Wake up, mom." I shook her shoulder, yawning, "You'll be late."

She rolled onto her side, lifting her arm to her mouth, coughing painfully.

She took a labored breath and muttered, "It's so cold." she continued hacking.

By the time we were both ready and dressed, we didn't have time to eat breakfast.

"It doesn't matter." she said gravely, "We couldn't afford to eat breakfast anyways."


Rough-looking teens wandered in front the rundown school didn't give me a second glance. In previous schools I had moved to, i had been the talk of the town for weeks. But Chicago is no small town. This is good, I'd rather stay under the raider.

I have always been moving around. We move everytime Mom finds a job that pays better. My mother has trouble making ends meet, especially with her poor health and having to feed the both of us. When my father died, it was even harder on us. He had been making just enough money for us to keep our heads above water while mom tried her best to work overtime for minimum wage. Father's funeral arrangements put us $10,000 farther into debt.

These thoughts are making me sad again. I duck inside a circle of bushes just before I begin to cry. I sit in the grass and weep silently. The image of my dead father will never escape my mind. I'm lucky there was a place nearby that i could stay so well hiden. A dark hideout where I am completely non-existant. People that don't exist can't embarrass themselves. Why am I such a wimp?


When I leave the bushes and arrive at the office, it is already 7:50. The woman at the desk raises an eyebrow when she hears that it is my first day at the school.

"The first day and you are 35 minutes late. How shameful!" She spat, shaking jer head as she scribbled my name onto a clipboard.

I lowered my head and stared at my holey sneakers. It reminded me of my discomfort. "I-I'm very sorry."

"You better be." she exited into the prinipals office.

After some quiet talking, a big man in a suit came in and took her place. His face was red with rage and his beefy hands were hairy and looked like they could deliver a fatal blow.

"I am John Revve, pricipal of Gordan High School. At my school you go by my rules or you can leave right now. Is that clear?"

His face was very close to mine. Angry and intimidating, he pounded his fist on the table as he spoke.

"I-I-I'm... I didn't mean to..." What am I supposed to say?

He stood abruptly, his eyes drilled into me. "I'm watching you. Now, get out!"

I grabbed my bag and bolted.


Running through the hallway had given me time to wipe away my tears and calm down before i got to my first class. I arrived at math class a few seconds before the bell rung, my eyes puffy, but dry.

I chose a seat in the back. The class stared at me, chattering and questioning my appearence. A few gave looks of disgust. Others of curiosity.

I shrunk in my seat. I wish they wouldn't look, let alone stare.

After what seemed like hours of torment, the teacher walked in. A young brunette in small glasses.

"Alright everyone, quiet down! Role call..." She flipped through a stack of paper. "Ah! It seems we have a new student joining us... Joseph Weller?"


She smiled, "Welcome to Gordan High. I'm Ms.Lakke."

I blushed, "Th-thank you." The second time I embarrass myself today. Shes really pretty. I'm glad nobody seemed to notice.

As I went about my day, my mind wandered back to other issues. Will Mom be able to keep her job? Will I be able to eat dinner tonight?

The rest of the school day moved as slow as ever. At lunch time, I had nothing to eat. I was kicked from every table I tried to sit at. I wandered out of the building, feeling discouraged. I feel awkward, standing out here alone. I just want to disappear. I walked across the courtyard, looking down to eye contact. Just then, a bush came into view. The bush I hid in this morning. I can disappear!

Watching out for onlookers, I dropped into the dark cavity within the bushes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2013 ⏰

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