Wings of my Soul

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It's been said that the eyes are the window to the soul,well not here apparently. 

Wings are used as soul expressions; they explain what has happened in a person's life.

 Like Steve's wings are white with black tips, he's a good man, but has had dark times.

 Bucky has black with silver wings and white, silver representing endurance, black for torment.

 Nat's are red with purple and gold.

 Red is for grief of taking life, purple for loyalty and gold for protectiveness.

 Bruce is green and light blue, green for Hulk, light blue for Bruce's kindness.

 Thor's are brown with white spots, brown showing a tried and tested warrior, white is for purity.

 Clint is purple for loyalty, beige for his sense of duty to his team.

 The other wings don't matter at the moment, the most important thing right now is Tony Stark.... whose wings are pitch black.

 At first, they chalked it up as the arrogant billionaire asshole he is portrayed in the media, but after New York, after the Civil War- in which Tony found Steve and Bucky in Siberia, played the video of his parent's death, and killed Zemo.

 When he asked Steve if he knew, he had tears running down his face. 

He paced back and forth, looking from Steve to Bucky.

 After Tony calmed down, he carefully walked up to Bucky and Steve, picked them up and flew them to the compound. 

The pardons for the others fell through quickly after Ross fell from power.

 The others didn't know what to do, black as his soul wings, as Tony called them, didn't fit the bill of his actions-so Tony knew it was only a matter of time when they were to find out.

For the umpteenth time, Clint was glad he didn't live in a fantasy world with 'normal alphas' and such. 

Standards were so messed up, that all it means to be an alpha now is that your protective of your family and significant others.

 Same with omegas, just more tender, and wanting to keep people safe.

 Betas are considered what a normal person would be, where it's more of one's personality that defines their traits.

 Clint, being an omega himself, couldn't imagine living in a world where he would be used for the sake of pleasure.


 It is, however, nice to have different scents unique to certain people.

 Alphas have more heavy scents, like pine or metal. 

Betas are neutral, like mint, not too strong but not too light. 

Omegas have sweet, light scents, like a sunset on a beach- that's Clint's scent.

 But it gets lonely sometimes, being the only omega on the team, some omegas tend to team up to care for others. 

But Tony is always ready to help him with that, be it pranks or making dinner.... he's a weird alpha-in more ways than one.

 For example, Tony will only interact with people one on one, not group sessions.

 "Hey birdbrain", speak of the devil, Clint thought, taking in Tony's fire and metal scent.

 "Hey metal head, whatcha doing?" Clint asks, lounging on the couch.

 "Need something to do", Tony said vaguely.

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