Who exactly is Lilith?

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Dust in the air shown in the lights above as skaters race to the best seats. The full moon half way across the sky, beautiful as ever.
Sitting in the back of her black S.U.V a girl is resting her head, sleeping peacefully with the windows down and her silky raven hair blowing softly, her name is Misaki Hashira. She comes from a rich noble family, famous one at that. She's also attending college at the age of 18 for her psychology degree. She's a very smart lady but she has a not so professional secret. Misaki has been street skating for years. She was famous in her old country Brazil, but I guess that doesn't matter now that she's in Oiknoawa Japan. She moved on business matters. Her family has agreed as a that the environmental change would be healthy. She also missed her home town. She missed ever twist an turn, every hill and sidewalk. When Misaki found out S existed she found her way through the crowds and got in as soon as she could. She has been watching the competition for weeks now memorizing everyone, how they skated and even there boards. Misaki watched all of them skate and analyzed there movements and thought of ways to counter there moves. She would set up cameras at every angle and get video recordings of them. Secretly of course, she is sly and small so slipping through security and prying eyes wasn't too difficult for Misaki. No one noticed her presence she didn't stand out whatsoever. She wore a face mask that covered her entire face, black with gold patterns along the eyes. She wore shore black cape with buttons, black bottoms and black shoes. She would always be sitting on the rocks away from crowds taking notes. She went to every S beef she could. Misaki thought she would stay unnoticed, until a certain someone took interest.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2021 ⏰

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